Hello! Here I have a suggestion that I think would be very helpful the the mineverse community. As the title basically explains what this thread is about, I will go into more detail. Lets just say you and your friend were chatting on one of the servers, (lets just say OP PvP for now) so you were just sitting there chatting and out of the sudden he goes AFK. You don't know if he's pulling a prank or just actually AFK. So this suggestion is that once you have to go AFK you type in /AFK, (you may use upper or lower case letters) this would send the person that is trying to /msg you an ALERT saying that that player is afk. (It doesn't have to be your friend messaging you, it was just an example.)
No support... -Completely useless. -Can be abused. -- Once the person does the command it would say "Username is now AFK" and if they do it again "Username is no longer AFK". Tbh this is pointless and it can be spammed in the persons chat.
Thank you all . -Reasons? In my opinion, this is very helpful. It may not seem that way in the suggestion input but those were just a couple of examples, I might edit it to where you can only use this command twice every 10 mins (depending on how many supports I get on that) one for going AFK and one for breaking your AFK. Thanks for the feedback though .