tbh i hate u last few months were pretty bad between us hope everything's all g now, ur cool hi ur cute and nice and i love being ur friend ur lit af and my best friend u made me a lil mad before but whatever sometimes u just gotta keep moving on in life so hope we're on good terms now a while back i messaged u in game to help me in something and u said u would do it but u didn't and ignored me so that got me mad but whatever hope that situations been dealt with. you're chill no idea who u r ikr ily ur my fave
i love u so much i think more than anyone on here bc ur personality is adorable and ur not stubborn unlike some ppl, i aspire to be u because ur you're so perfect and beautiful and oml the list goes forever hope we can skype one day tho :') <33333 u rarely go online and that kinda confuses me on why ur still mod lel but anyways u cute ur ok, i don't wanna hate u hi you're so pretty omg i'm jealous of nothing except u, we can relate to so many things it's unbelievable. rly hope we can skype one day ! ps ily