Support, people should have the option to donate if they want to, ranks aren't that OP anymore anyways :P
I thank you all already for supporting me ;) and I rlly hope we can get more supprts so this will become a thing!
People have suggested forum ranks as an extra way of donations. Maybe we could go along that line? Donations do help though and definitely do serve a purpose. I see nothing wrong with adding a donation button. It's not like we're being forced to donate, it's purely our choice.
@Titanicguy pls don't just press no supprt a reason would also be apreciated. correct MOST people do. and the ones that don't want anything in return/already have titan they may not donate anymore?
cause your stuck to the prices of the ranks. you can't donate 1.50 or 2 dollar. you would be able to donate a custom amount of money.
5$ isn't that much more than 1 or 2 dollars, and if you've already paid $250, what's $2 in comparison.
I will stop discussing because we could go on forever. still disagree tho. But I apreciate your opinion.
Or, you can find a charity you'd like to donate to. This would help a lot more rather than giving quite wealthy people even more money.
Support. This would be a nice feature for Mineverse. Even if only a few people use it, at least it's an option and worth something. I have seen statements that don't support due to the availability of Paid Ranks, however, I don't see any reasons that directly prove this to have any form of negative impact on the server or players... contrary, it seems like a beneficial addition to Mineverse. (Being able to donate a custom amount is key to this feature I think.) Side Note: @Grayson has a point, however, if people were to always think of others that really need money more than they do, no matter what they buy or spend, they will always feel guilty since there are always people, animals, and places that need some form of funding, probably more than they do... It's still good to think about charity and make a donation if you have the extra cash though (I know he is specifically referring to "giving quite wealthy people even more money", but in this case, donations using this button are a way for players to support the server and show their appreciation.)
I've gotten a chance to see how much this server actually makes on the already set "donation" setup. You can show appreciation by just being a nice player. I also would like to point out, if you donate to this server; you have no way of knowing where your money is going. With a donation to a charity foundation, you do. You know where your money is going and how it's going to be used. If CypriotMerks or NoobCrew were in need of more money, trust me. They'd find a way.