Hi! My name is ViaTheCat, and I'm a regular player on infection. So, this idea popped into my head, and my friend @Chain and I were also discussing it. How about adding an infection shop? ( /shop ) Naturally, we'd have to add some sort of currency system as well. My thoughts were fur evfurry zombie kill, the player would recieve $1 (along with xp). The same goes fur zombies. There can be a /pay option pawssibly? Its not actually neccessary, but it would be interesting if people could pay to team. Now fur the shop. The command /shop would have to be added, and in the shop items could be bought. Obviously special items (eggs, sharp bows, etc) will not be fur sale. But I was thinking redstone torches, bones, golden apples, xp bottles, diamond sword (no enchant) and pawssibly a regular bow and arrow. All of these items would expire after use (redstone torch, bones,), or fur the weapons, at the end of the round. I was also toying with the pawssibility of having armor in the shop. (Again, expiring when the round was over.) Users could buy diamond armor or iron armor fur each round. Anyways, tell me what u think :33 I might add some ideas too! Also, feel free to say hi to me in game! ur always welcome to chat (●´ω`●)
I've played on another server that has this system, and if it was going to be implemented into Mineverse's Infection there would have to be a reset. And I don't think there's going to another reset so soon. It's only been about five months since our first reset after years of Infection being open.
Support, we had this on the old server I used to play and it was really nice to be able to buy things mid game.
No support. 1) You say that a "pay" function would make infection interesting as it gives an opportunity to team. I used to team when my friends still played, but I shall represent the other half of the community in this statement. Teaming between humans and zombies would ruin the point of infection (i.e. blocking arrows). 2) I don't believe that the owners are going to add experience bottles to the shop since they are currently a donor-only item. I don't think that's ever going to change. 3) The diamond sword is a debatable choice. Currently, achieving SSgt (level 40) will give you a sharpness 1 diamond axe that does 7.25 damage in comparison to a diamond sword's 7 damage. 4) I'm going to assume that you're suggesting that zombies can purchase a regular bow and arrow since humans already come pre-equipped with them. I don't support this due to the fact that prestiged players can either buy more arrows for their bow or just suicide repeatedly and abuse their perks. 5) In my opinion, infection is a game based on different rounds. Creating a shop where players can save up from previous rounds in order to spend on the current round doesn't seem right to me. Just my opinion though.
I support this, Via this is a good idea you're always full of great ideas, I hope this can atleast get implemented but, @Mookiezzx has a point about some of the stuff but good suggestion!
Hello Mookie! I am here to answer all of ur questions as best as I can ( 1) When I said teaming, I meant with human and human. Nevertheless, it doesn't change anything. People on infection already team with zombies, I was only suggesting a diffurent aspect to it. 2) The experience bottles are a daily donor item, this much is true. However, the amount they cost can make them valuable. Whether the owners want to add them or not is not a setback fur the entire shop. 3) The diamond sword is appealing to new players. I am trying to include the whole community here, not just higher leveled players. The weapons can help even the odds. 4) Buying more arrows fur the already purrstiged players wun't make any diffurence. The advantage to their bows is the sharpness, and I can tell u, as an experienced player, i hardly evfur see them use their bow how it was meant to be used (lol.) 5) I respect ur opinion, and thank u fur ur feedback! :33 I hope i could clarify some things fur u! <3
Hard to decide, there are good things and bad things about this hm.. Going with neutral for now(Might change my mind) Good luck with the idea Via <3
I was a prestige 10 player before the reset, so I was used to using a bow as it should be. I feel that a correct balance between zombies and humans has yet to be found. 1) Humans are humans, so by nature they should already team. 2) The owners probably won't add it. 3) I understand your point here. The new players can benenfit, but the higher prestiges will probably 2 shot them before they can even kill someone imo. 4) True, this is why I quit. 5) Thank you!
Support, but without apples. Op players could just get many of them to be last. Would make them even more op. The would easily get kills to just keep buying more apples.
may i ask why? :33 True, but they'd just be regular golden apples. Such as the kind higher leveled human players would get once.