Hey Guys! When i am playing KitPvP2, and i am speaking to a mod and says ``Hey can you watch this guy and like see if he hacks and if he dose ban him´´ The hackers see the mods flying and then stop hacking! Thats a big problem, i know that if you let the mods get a new command they can use it wrong or abuse it but Seriously i think the mods needs Vanish, it lets you fly around and whatch people and they can´t see you are there its like you are on but invinsible on the playerboard and in chat, that way the mods can whatch hackers and they don´t know a mod are whatching them, it´s a really good command and i think Mods need it not only for KitPvP for everything when it´s good for the player to see if it is a mod online! Thanks for me Pice out :D!
Unfortuneatly the risk of abuse is far too high, Its a command that could cause such a problem on the server that it isnt worth the risk.
If mods had /v or any vanishing command then players would constantly be acusing them of abuse for 1 and there would be a high risk of mods abusing for 2
Then just fix the problem, and take away the mod delete their mods? Yeha thats true the higher mods are more trustable Or what do you think about this?
Once the damage is done it is too late, of course you would demote them but its difficult to undo what they did.
And /ban isn't a command being abused? If not, I doubt /vanish would be any higher of abuse than /ban. I actually like /vanish being a command for moderators, maybe senior moderators should have access to prevent mods from abusing it to see if it actually works.
I reckon like what @Bananurz said would work. We should have only the Head-Mods and/or Sr-Mods have the permission. They would only get the rank if they can be proved to be trusted and they need more perks anyhow, so maybe this would be okay?
It's a problem if the mods cannot be trusted with such commands. What, is Cyp accepting un-trust worthy mods? I support this. Besides, aren't they already given commands that can be abused? /tpo /god.