Hey, I think there should be a stencil for moderator applications as a lot of people miss the template before applying for moderator. Thanks.
I don't see it being an issue in applications tho or I would have. For the most part users post all the questions.-pile
It would be a good addition but if you can find the template on the forums you probably shouldn't be applying for mod...
eh, this isn't too big of a problem. Pretty much all the time people who don't input the template typically don't have what it takes to become moderator. Either they don't have requirements, a detailed application, activity, or enough reports to get support. What I'm saying is if you want to apply for moderator, you should at least know where to find the template. Neutral.
You don't have to use the stencil, it would just be there as a means to help people who are possibly newer to the idea, or even newer to how the forums work at all. Don't really see anything wrong with this. Would match well with the template that is now provided within the reports section. Support.