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    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Zach McCook, Nov 5, 2016.

    1. Zach McCook

      Zach McCook Active Member

      Nov 1, 2016
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      So i was wondering what i could do to try and stop people from hacking, i have seen alot more hackers on in the last month or so and i feel like it is getting out of hand, I have also seen more mods getting on and off of all servers lately, I personally feel that since more mods have been getting on, less hackers and scammers would be on the servers. I know that the mods need proof and evidence against that player for hacking, but if they watched some of the hackers for more than 30 seconds they would realize that they were hacking... Just the other day there were 2 mods and there was this hacker (not using a name) buy anytime someone would step in front of him he would click, as to the other side, when nothing was in front of him, nothing would happen... he told me later that he was trying to make it look like he was hacking, but he wasnt ( i dont believe that at all, but im just one man) and i would think that one of the mods would check it out especially when there was a conversation between 4 or 5 players in the chat about that one player doing what he was doing, I was told that by one of the players that "everyone knows (Player) hacks all the time...

      Im not trying to get on any ones bad side, im just saying that some of the mods could be more attentive in moderating the chat, and checking out supposed hackers.

      Post a response, any feedback is appreciated
      Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    2. longed

      longed Well-Known Member

      Nov 7, 2015
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      1. You don't have evidence so they can't do anything about it. You will have to earn it back.

      2. The mods can't just go on a server and ban someone, they have to have evidence. So basically people make reports to prove the person was breaking the rules. Plus, mods are very busy and they will get to you if you just ask.
    3. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      First off, Moderators have, wait let me give you a hint. It starts with an L and ends with an E. Correct! LIFE.
      Fun fact, Mods are real people too. They aren't robots, they ain't bots, and they certainly aren't anti-cheat plugins. Now, if you didn't know moderators are real people, well I just helped ya a ton there.

      Secondly, Mods have lives. They can't be on 24/7 and be on 365 (and a half) days a year. Now, to be fair if this was the only thing they did their entire life, one it would drive them crazy and two we would need to start paying mods a lot. Moderators give up a portion of their time to help out the server, that's it. They don't give up their entire life to moderate 12 year old players on a Minecraft server.

      Thirdly, since you do not have any evidence, they can't really help you at all. If they decided to believe you out of 0 evidence they would have to treat everyone with the same respect they do to you. Sadly, Cypriot ain't that kinda guy to give someone 300k back from a scam with 0 evidence to prove there was a scam in the first place. Also, they don't do refunds, so even if you had evidence all that happens is the scammer gets banned.
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    4. Goner

      Goner Experienced Member

      Jun 4, 2016
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      Stop complaining please. If you see so many hackers then do a report yourself.
    5. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Try to record
    6. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Ok, so coming from someone who just stepped out of "a normal player" to "Moderator" -

      1. I understand, maybe we need to be more attentive, but I am pretty certain that we can identify hacks. There are some hackusators out there, and some may be just trying to get that player into trouble. Furthermore, when someone toggles hacks, it's harder to find (not saying you should go and toggle your hacks), you'll get found out eventually.

      2. For me, I moderate chat quite closely (for profanity, death threats, illegal trading, bullying, and hackusations) , and I get a lot of hate from there by warning players. If that's not attentive enough, what do you want me to do?

      3. Lives. Again, I know this is, to you, an "old excuse". But it's true. For me, I spend at least 2 hours on Mineverse, and usually peak around 6-8 hours. Maybe 2-3 hours sounds like a disgusting amount of time for a Moderator to be spending. Let me just give you an example of what my normal school day looks like (from an Asian Moderator's perspective):

      5.30am wake up to go to school (reach school at 7)
      4pm (maybe) end school
      5pm reach back home
      6pm finish settling down, showering, etc.
      6-7pm Do homework/moderate Mineverse
      7pm-9pm Dinner and family time
      9pm-10pm Homework/Mineverse
      10pm-11pm Homework usually

      I'm not sure about how other Mods' time schedules look like, but this is just an EXAMPLE of mine.

      4. Then you may ask, after looking at that above ^, why did you even apply if you don't have enough time?

      I think I have enough time. I think so far I've been pretty active in the AUS-Asian timezones. If you don't think I'm active enough, we can always PM and I can explain. If you don't think I'll be telling the truth, then go over to "Staff reports" and make a report on me. Dyna, Pile, Cyp and Crew decide whether a Moderator is too inactive.

      I mean, for a "normal Asian student", homework takes up a big part of our life. It's a lot. Now, this isn't an excuse, I'm just saying that we can't "not do our homework".

      A reason why I applied was because even though the amount of time may not be extremely good, but I'm willing to help, and I am now. If you think you have that kind of time to dedicate to Mineverse daily, I urge you to apply.

      5. Going back to your discussion, I am pretty attentive in chat, when I'm not afk.
    7. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I find that you are assuming moderators don't look at chat, when moderators actually pay more attention to the chat than the actual game. soo..?
    8. Zach McCook

      Zach McCook Active Member

      Nov 1, 2016
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      No, I am not implying that they dont look at the chat, i am implying that the mods could respond to the chat when they see someone saying that someone is hacking
    9. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      That's what I do.
    10. Kyra

      Kyra Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2015
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      More than likely, a mod can't just ban without evidence, and if the hacker toggles it is twice as hard to catch. Also, if a mod responds in chat this may cause the hackers to stop using hacks, as they will get caught.
    11. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Players can also report. Get evidence yourself and posted it here on the forums.
    12. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      i don't see a difference in your first or second paragraph. and tbh, he's actually kinda right about the mods going on and off. yes, they have a life we all obviously know that, but going online for a maximum time of 2 minutes then going off just to restart their 'last seen' on /staff isn't a very smart thing to do. on their apps, most or even all of them said they are active for hours and hours when i only see them for a few minutes.
    13. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      For me, I don't stay on for a few minutes ;)

    14. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      A moderators activity schedule is subject to change at any given point, as is yours. If (for example) a close family member of yours is injured, would you like to spend all day playing a video game? I wouldn't. I would much rather be with my family during that time. When we applied stating that we could be on for x amount of hours each day that was the amount of time we could be online at that point in time. Not every year/month to follow.
    15. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      So, I read the part where you stated that mods should reply to you when you call hacks on someone.

      You do not understand nor realise how busy it can get. How much spam we can get. If we are there and able to go and record and ban the hacker, then we will. If we don't, then we are obviously busy. Don't hate on us for being busy with other people. You are not the only player on the server and you have no special perk that means we will reply to what you say and do what you "demand" us to do. Yes, I use the word "demand". The community are very demanding when it comes to asking a moderator to do something. Just today I was asked multiple times to do something "Now", where the player actually used the word "now". Isn't that just slightly unfair on us?

      Don't talk us down if you've never been in our position. We cannot be available 24 hours of the day. We are humans, quite like yourself. Treat us like one, not like some robot.
    16. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      you don't think I spent 90% of my time on chat responding to hacker claims when I was mod? lol. 90% of my time in-game was going to servers people said had hackers, being disrespected by those people as well then go answer 50 million questions on how MV works. The one thing I hated about moderating was that. Being on for even 5 minutes when there were plenty of mods made me the number one subject to talk to about anything.
    17. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Moderators do that though
    18. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Moderators are humans, after all, they can't just get all hackusations in at the same time, however, if you see that a player is hacking be sure to report them, otherwise you are just being rude to Moderators they also need to care about their lives not only a server.

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