What am I here to suggest? A donation button on the forums for a charity. What charity? And how would it be chosen? Each month players could cast their vote on which charity to donate towards. But fam we can just go to a charity website and donate. Well, this is more fun. You can always donate to whatever charity you want. All the money is saved up for a month. So you can choose to donate $5 to that charity directly (not using mineverse), or contribute $5 to a bigger sum of money. You know..the one designed to be donated every month to a charity. Yeah, that one. Does it hurt anyone? Your wallet. What charities could we donate to? There is a lot of charities. Could be donated into something with breast cancer, refugees, Americans going to Canada after the election, animals that were abused, etc. What amount would we donate? That's entirely up to you. Unless CypriotMerkz decides to change the suggested system. My opinion is to not select an amount but simply fill out however you wanna donate. Conclusion. With your donation you'd essentially contribute to a larger donation. (<grmer on fliek) And the money your mom and dad make would actually go to something useful other than a Minecraft server.
I don't understand why we would need this? If people were inclined to donate then they would just go to the charity they want to donate to, also If I wanted to donate to a specific charity then I would want my money to go to that specific charity not some other charity that I do not have personal ties to. From what I understand this would mean cypriotmerkz would have to hold the money temporarily and I can just imagine that something would go wrong likely involving and accusation of him stealing some of the money. Don't get my wrong I am all for donating to charity but I dont think this is necessary.
I'm with kinsey on this, I would love to be able to donate to a charity but this just doesn't seem like the place to do that. Great suggestion though :D
Neutral, It would be awesome to donate to charity, but like kinsey_kid said, this isn't a good place to do that.
Hey, it would attract people's attention, which is what we need. People be like, "Hey, you donated to that charity, cool i like you all I'm gonna join yur server fam (language of an eight year old)"
I understand it Would be a good selling point for the server but charity should'nt be a selling point, it should just be something that is done.
True, but when we don't have much to offer in the first place, we have to use anything we can to attract people's attention. If charity is one of them, then its a option to use as a selling point.
There are going to be in-game perks for donating, aren't there? If this is added, i'm kinda worried this would happen.
Short list of charity's I support due to my family. Scotty's little soldiers. Mcmillin cancer research rspca. Rspca cuz my dog has some sort of cancer so i support
Sorry Ares, but I have neutral. I don't see why we would need this. I love the Donating to people thing, but I don't exactly understand just yet.
Support, it would give the server a good name and maybe you can get like a little something to show that you donated to charity and of course the most important thing is it helps those who are less fortunate than us.