Omg MPG what is with you and saying dub ban appeal I just got my access to forums back and now you just remove my ban appeals lame....
Why did you even do the offence you did? So you're mad at staff for doing their job the way they're supposed to be? Really don't see the logic in making a thread expressing your anger, it just shows how immature you really are, and how you didn't deserve a second chance.
You aren't getting unbanned killed, you've already been denied. I'm just archiving before another staff member does.
Yeah I know but really perm ban from lobby I want to play skyblock skywars with friends now I can't thanks to pile she is just perm banning me from the lobby and I am just gonna name the staff who are against me. Staff against me: @Pile_of_Butts @BlueberryWaffle @Grayson @MrParkourGuy And I don't know about the new mod but stop hating me its against rules!!!!!
No one here hates you. Also, just because your ban appeal got denied, you don't have to make a thread about it. MPG was only doing his job.
Since when have you thought this of me you blocked me off skype for complete nothing want to have me back as a friend add me on my new skype KilledDoesPvP then we talk more their but leave me alone till then. Staff close this