Hello everyone, these are my 3 suggestions for towny: 1: Enable Nether (But not the End) 2: Add sethomes (to make it fair and EULA compliant, 3 for each player) 3: Higher McMMo Power level limit (I think it would be great to have 1k for new McMMo power level limit) Explain if you are Neutral or Not Supporting. Please vote with the ratings + (Support), = (Neutral) or - (No Support). -EccentricPotato_
I support all except sethome, as Benko stated it will allow players to set home in other peoples towns which can be annoying to see some random person inside your house that isn't even in your town.
I'm giving neutral, because we do need nether and at least 500 mcmmo max, but not seyhome unless they can make it so players can't seyhome in private towns they aren't in.