Hello, I was wondering if you guys could help me out, how do I set my signature as a viewable image without someone having to click on a link, PLEASE HELP MEH :(
Hopefully this thread will help. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/how-to-put-an-image-in-your-signature.107329/
I think you can copy and paste or drag and drop it from something else. I'll check when I get home. And if you want I'll make a video.
I wanted to do the same thing, Cooper. Yet, Matt's advice did not work. I was told by a friend to copy and paste the image into "Edit Signature", instead of coping the address, and pasting. This method suggested by my friend worked, and it could for you. Note: I used Chrome to perfect this.
Thanks I got it working, I use a link with .jpg on the end http://i.imgur.com/ccDiJNH.jpg and that worked