So I'm pretty new to the forums and noticed Mineverse has a Teamspeak server. I did some looking around and found you didn't have a discord server :( For those of you who don't know discord is a Teamspeak like application where you can talk in various text and voice channels created in that server. Discord has the huge benefit of being completely free to host a server which saves Mineverse money and it has almost all the options of Teamspeak. Even better, discord has a browser version so you don't even have to download it to your computer. I recently uninstalled Teamspeak as none of friends use it and all of them use discord but I would like to find and talk to people from the Mineverse community as well. I hope you take this suggestion into consideration as I think it would be awesome to play with people on a Minverse discord server :D A list of Discord's main features: Discord's main website: I'm looking forward to playing with with more people on Mineverse, hopefully on a discord server as well :D
theres been a few ppl who made discord servers for mv but they all end up dead lmao sucks bc i rlly like usin discord wish mv made an official one but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No support. We have a teamspeak, we don't need a discord. If you want to run one for your group of friends you can but there does not need to be an official mv one. Cyp isn't paying for a ts for the lolz.
Agreed, I think the TS is fine, and it's drawing a lot of people already. For example, just about 12 hours ago, we had a TS Karaoke. TS, to me, also works as a way for me to better understand someone's issue in game and settle it faster.
Discord has amazing features I like it way better than Teamspeak and Skype -- Support. How is discord not fast enough to settle details and issues ingame? How is it better to understand someone issues on teamspeak but not on Discord?
I don't know... I think if you're willing to talk to the Mineverse community, you could just download Teamspeak. Many people use clients like 5zig, which allow Teamspeak to build into MC... So. Neutral.
No support. Since we have a TeamSpeak server I do not believe we have any intention of making a discord server anytime in the future.
Would you rather save money on a discord server with more options with it or have a limited option server and paying for it.
Support. Although we do have teamspeak, teamspeak is harder to use and makes several people lag (including me) so I do support.
Support. I have seen discord used on a server that I used to go on, and it was amazing. It would be very useful to have Discord for the people that aren't good with teamspeak (eg. They lag).
I suppport this the fullest. personall I dislike teamspeak. I find discord the best chat/voice chat theis is atm. way better than teamspeak. make a mineverse server on discord and I am in ;)