Hello, Just wondering what was going on with the animals in op prison. there was a lag fix last week and all my animals have despawned. I have message many staff members with no response. The problem is that not all animals despawn just certain plot had there animals despawned. can anyone help with this?
Despawn... When you're offline, is that the issue? Or just when you afk there and they suddenly disappear?
No they are gone no longer on my plot and they where incased in glass so there is no way they can get out. They are just gone and have been missing for about 2 weeks. Other players I know have lost there animals also.
Well first of all animals are not suppose to be on OPPrison (They got there through a glitch or something) so what i'm saying is you cannot get you animals back. Sorry :( hope this helps some.
There was a point were animals were enabled (for a brief time) so people periodically would find them roaming the plot world then lead them back to their plots. I know some people lost them (or maybe everyone did?). But, sadly if it's gone, it's gone - there's no way to get it back.