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  • NA ✰NoTerror's Moderator Application✰

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Terror, Oct 30, 2016.

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    1. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      My introduction

      Hello Mineverse community,my name is NoTerror (or you can call me Hubert,my real name).I want to thank everyone who inspired me over the moments since when i first started playing on Mineverse, i would also like to thank everyone reading my application and don't be scared to give me feedback(get the joke?my name has Terror in it?).I decided like to apply for moderator because i got inspired by a lot of people,and my hear truly does feel lots of love toward Minecraft, and of course the best server ever Mineverse!!.I love playing on Mineverse and i love helping people out, i love to do report's and bring justice to all hacker's and wrong doers.

      NoTerror's Application

      How old am I?

      I am currently 14 and I am going to turn 15 on April 19,2017, i was born on April 19th 2002.
      What timezone do u live in?

      I live in EST or Eastern Daylight Time(aka New York)

      What country do u live in?

      I currently live in New York, and i was born in New York.My parents are from Poland.If you don't know were New York is here is a global map:

      What languages do you speak?

      My main language is English, I also speak some Spanish and Polish.

      Do you have 2fa enabled?


      Do you have the necessary mean's of capturing evidence?

      Yes I use OBS(Open Broadcaster Software), and I use Gyazo to upload screenshots, i sometimes use Imgur.

      Why do you think you should be moderator?

      I'm going to get into why I think I believe I should become a mod; but first I will explain why I want to become a Mod. My wish for becoming a Mod started a few months ago when I noticed how effectively mods controlled and helped the server. I wished to apply but at the time was worried that I would not have any chance of being accepted due to my ban record. I love this server and i would love to be a part of the staff team, and help out to the server.I want to become a moderator for those reasons.

      Why should you become a moderator?

      I believe I should become moderator because I'd like to help out the server in many different ways. I'd like to keep the server hacker free and make this server fun.I do not want anyone ruining the server's joy and fun,i can not stop every hacker and every person who breaks the rule's but here are some traits on why i should be a moderator?

      I am always on Mineverse everyday. Mostly 4 hours or more straight. I find this as an advantage, because some mods are very busy ,since I see them come on for a few 30 minutes then they have to go, while I will be on straight for 3 hours or more. Maybe less in the school year but on the weekends or on holidays, I will be active for a very long period of time.

      I am willing to lose everything just to record a hacker, i could even lose all my gear on Kit PvP or
      something that took me a couple of day's to make, or took a lot of time to require.I will try to record the hacker's and follow them around,trying my best to record and report them.


      I am friendly to the community, i always try to make new friend's and be friendly to all player's, not be rude to player's and Mod's.I will add anyone who wants to be my friend, the more friend's i get the more i get to know everyone.


      When it comes to something I enjoy doing, I stay committed to it. I stick with it, i try to be with it.I am committed to playing on Mineverse it is something i love to do, I hope to always stay committed to Mineverse.
      Fast typer
      I able to type really fast, I can respond to message's relatively faster than most people.I am always on my Computer everyday and i have a lot of experience in typing, for example if there is a spammer or filter bypasser i can quickly take a screenshot or tell a mod to handle them, this comes in handy when your a mod so you can get rid of unwanted people and make the community happy again.


      I believe that I am generally quite mature. Even though I may sometimes be slightly dramatic and act in the moment without thinking that much, I believe that I have made a fair amount of improvement on this. I think that I am able to handle pressure given to me better, especially through school. I am mature enough to make rational decisions for myself and understand the situation with various points of view.


      I will always try my hardest to follow the rules. I have read through the Mineverse rules a few times now, just as a reminder for me to look out for them more. Since i know how to detect hacker's i know a couple of hacks such as Kill aura,Flight,Anti Knock back,Speed,Step,Jesus,Aimbot,ghost hand,no item slowdown, and Nofall.I think this is an advantage because if there is a hacker i can categories him into what hacks he is using and i can determine if he is hacking or not.


      I am very organized when it come's to handling report's and reporting hacker's, I am very organized I have 3 separate folder's in which i place all my evidence of hacker's,by-passer's of filter,and advertiser's.I think this would be very helpful if i became a mod, being organized is a big thing in life,and being organized will help me or you help find files or document's you need to find and in this case help find documents on hackers and wrongdoer's.


      I am very responsible,Some people might disagree with me on this but i know school is the most important and that should be your main priority, school is very important and once you get into high school you get a lot of responsibility.Same thing applies to Mineverse a good mod has a lot of responsibility, he is a reliable source and he can take things on his own, he does not need to be told more than once.


      I love to do report's,reports make me feel good on the inside knowing that someone who did something wrong is now punished and they must learn from what they did, I do tons of reports every day.I usually do over 5 reports everyday and the max reports i did was like 30 in a day.Reports are important as they make a mod's job easier so they don't have to record and you give them a first account of someone hacking.


      I am on Mineverse everyday for a long period of time,I have played on Mineverse for over 2 year's now.I try my best to assist and help player's out,report people,get moderators,be nice to the
      community in general.When I am on i will try to my best ability to help players.


      How long can i be active?

      Monday: 2 - 7 hours

      Tuesday: 3 - 5 Hours

      Wednesday: 3 - 4 hours

      Thursday: 2 - 8 hours

      Friday: 4 - 5 hours

      Saturday: - 4 - 10 hours

      Sunday: - 3 - 7 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse

      I have been playing on Mineverse for about 2 years now or a bit earlier.

      Have you been banned in the past?

      I talked about me having a bad record and all that, but i have been banned before.I have been banned on forums before for post farming,I have been banned in game for hacking,being disrespectful to staff, ban evading,and scamming.I am truly sorry for breaking so many rules and having such a bad record, and i do not hack no more and I am a completly new person and i have changed and I want to help people not go or do the the same mistakes as I did.

      Do u have any past experience's as a moderator

      Sadly i do no have any past experiences as a moderator but i do intend to have a moderator experience :>

      Do you meet the requirements for staff?

      Yes i do meet the requirement's
      • 50 Post Count ✓
      • Two Factor Authentication ✓
      • 2 Weeks Registered on the Mineverse Forums ✓
      • Offline Communication ✓

      My youtube channel
      This is were i record Hacker's and wrongdoer's.


      I would like to thank you for viewing my application,be sure to give me feedback,I hope to server for the Mineverse community,once again thanks for viewing my app:)

    2. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      -The photo is very unnecessary in your application, it makes it seem bigger than it actually is
      -You can be rude and immature in game
      -Some grammar mistakes within the application

      Otherwise, Good luck!
    3. Savage_ASF

      Savage_ASF Experienced Member

      Dec 25, 2015
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      First Support ;)
    4. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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    5. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
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      No support, you have a decent amount of reports but most of them are Infection. I see that you have some reports from other gamemodes but I would to see more. Also you can be rude and immature at times ingame. Finally I really don't see you fit for this position. If you can change my perspective I will definitely support. Good luck ;)
    6. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      for now I am sorry but I will have to go no support
      -You are pretty immature at times
      -You are quite rude
      -You do are not that active.

      Just fix this and I will definitely change my mind. Good luck :)
    7. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      I mainly do report's on infection but once in a while i do reports on Kit pvp,Op pvp,bedwars, and skywars
      I have also stated in my app that being rude and immature was my past, I am a new person now
      Thanks for the feedback
    8. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Yes, I know the photo shows where you are from and I can't stop you from adding it. But I'm pretty sure most people know where New York is located, and it makes your application look bigger than it actually is.

      And yes you can be rude in game sometimes, and I know you apologiesed for it, but I'm just letting you know.

      Also, as for in immaturity, you were very immature online on infection earlier in the day. You lobby glitched twice possibly on purpose. The first time I suspected it was on purpose, but you could of been afk, idk. Atleast you could of left the game for the other player to get the lvl. And I just thought it was a one time thing. But no, you did it again later on in the day. People actually had to get a mod on for you to get leave the game, and you only left when the Mod came on.

      I'm just explaining to you what you did. I do not want to start a flame war. And please, do not take this to my profile like you did before. It shows you are not patient enough to wait for my reply on your application, and it shows that you do not take Critism very well by assuming I did not read your application. Please just accept the critism and fix what people had suggested.

      Changing to no support
      Good luck!
    9. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      I am not lying I am stating on how I see you in-game. You do not need to accuse someone of lying by their opinion. That is immature. But anyways good luck on your application.
    10. Legalized

      Legalized Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      No support you live in New York, jk lol support <3
    11. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      You literally lobby glitches twice today, and please do not assume that people are lying
    12. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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      Support. :)

      - Seen you ingame sometime
      - I don't see you that you were lobby glitch
      - Mature
    13. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      No support, acting a bit immature just replying to people here.
    14. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Neutral, do more reports on other gamemodes besides infec.
    15. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      I do reports on other game modes beside infection, I did 3 on kit pvp today
      Thanks for the feedback
    16. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Guys take this to a pm, please remain on topic :).
    17. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Thanks for the feedback everyone ill work on it;)
    18. yoitsgabbie

      yoitsgabbie Well-Known Member

      Mar 2, 2015
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      No support reasons stated by Stacker. GL :D
    19. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Im working on that currently many people might know me for my past, thanks for the feedback
    20. yoitsgabbie

      yoitsgabbie Well-Known Member

      Mar 2, 2015
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      I might change to neutral when I see you ingame.
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