Introduction Hi there! Today I'm announcing a new project.@Jhowand i are starting a new project called Mine verse News. Mineverse News will be starting as soon as we have everything we need. Info Spoiler: YouTube Channel We will be doing videos every week and some videos if breaking news. We are looking for crew members please pm me if interested! Conclusion Thank you for reading We will have a new announcement when the first episode is out!
We will be doing reports on events in-game and on forums, if there are any major events we will be making a emergency report.
So if we join, what are we expected to do? :p How do you think your approach to the videos are? Animations (takes a long time to do), Teamspeak calls with someone being the "reporter"?
We had this idea as a meme and created a channel n stuff. I went to cyp and told him about it and he said no to the idea, lol. ;s
You know you could cite the people who actually started this idea. Like my old threads, @Grayson, @elrak, etc. But gl with this lmao.