As you all know, people like to bow glitch on infection on nuketown. What I'm suggesting is /list. This would show us their prestige and level. (Sgt, SSgT, etc) This would help because people don't like to talk all the time, and it would be a lot easier.
Support, but as there is no rule against bow glitching, what is the point of knowing who does it? I mean I agree that there should be a rule against it but there isn't currently.
No support useless this doesn't help the server at all to stop it from dying, suggest something that would actually make a change.
M8 chill there are loyal people on this server. It isn't gonna die for another few years at least man, even if it does die then we should be fixing the games and improving them otherwise people are going to come on, but then they won't stay because the games are terrible.
We've been eating the crumbs for too long buddy nothing has happened yet, it's now time to actually make a difference instead of doing these little pathetic things that we can worry about later, I swear I think I'm the only person with a brain.