I have a glitch where sometimes the friendly mobs on my plot become invisible. They are still audible. Chickens continue to produce eggs. However, they are not visible, and when moving around the paddock they are enclosed in, my avatar doesn't get jostled or run into anything (the way you would if the animals were actually there). I often find this immediately after I have teleported home. Sometimes moving out of the chunk then returning will reset the animals.
Since the animals load in eventually, it is probably just lag. As for a fix, faster internet could help. If you already have fast internet and a decent connection, then I assume this is mainly a server side problem.
Not lag. The animals don't load in the chunk until I've left the chunk on foot then returned. My internet speed is consistently good. I have assumed from the outset that this is a server side issue, which is why I posted it here. This no longer happens just sometimes, it happens every time I warp out of the area then /home back.
_Horse_man has fixed this problem for me. He advised me to alter the version of Minecraft I was playing to 1.8.9. I had previously been playing with the latest version. I have ceased having this issue now that I've changed versions.
I have experienced this many, many times before. I recently upgraded my PC and haven't noticed this bug since. So perhaps your computer?
That's because we don't completely support 1.10 and it's blocks, nor 1.9. 1.9 may have more support, but 1.10 is not recommended for gamemodes such as survival. Thread resolved, may a staff member please close? ty~