Hello everyone, I'm making a thread about The Mineverse shop. It's quite simply really, I Am here to propose that During holidays like Thanksgiving and or Christmas, That the Mineverse shop has a sale on ranks, upgrades, etc. Now, the sale Percentage would be completely up to The Staff Team. Personally I think the sale should be ether, a 25% off all ranks/upgrades, or 10, 15, 20% sale. This will allow players to purchase ranks at a decreased cost, for some may not be able to afford them, or for other reasons. BUT, For the titan rank, it will not be on sale. Reasons are because players Buy Titan to fully support Mineverse. Titan isn't just any rank, so it would stay at normal price, unless The Staff Team choose differently.
I liked it until the part of Titan. It would improve sales if they were to make Titan discounted too- that's the only scenario where I'd but it
Thank you guy's :D Thats my bad, I should've added that it would as well be up to staff, but Please re-think for a support?
Last year there were several discount codes when the holiday appeared. Titan also gets discounted as well. You can't just say Titan shouldn't be discounted because they are paying 2x as much so that's a dumb suggestion
During ever holiday season that I like to call a "Major" holiday, they usually have some sort of promotion thing going on with the shop. Christmas for sure will have one, and I believe even last year they had a "Black Friday" sale, correct me if I'm wrong? So yeah, we'll definitely have sales throughout the year.