So Skyblock has this system where if you did something wrong and feel bad about it, you can submit an amnesty appeal for a chance of a reduced or no sentence. Note: There's no guarantee that there will be no reprimand It works like this: IGN: Memeliodas Offence: Making illegal memes Why do you deserve amnesty: I have to work 9-7 at the meme factory downtown to support my family, and I thought making illegal memes would pay the bills. I regret making illegal memes today and I would like to apologize. I will return all the rare Pepe's and Ken Bone memes I have illegally manufactured. Server: MemeTown @Bananurz inspired this with his dank status
I think I'm neutral on this. Even if you feel bad for what you have done, it has still disrupted the game for others. It's a good concept, but may not work.
Neutral. I don't think it will work out well, but it will be interesting to see if it actually works out.
Sorry, neutral. Its a great concept however, this has a chance into more drama and disruption itself.
*shot a random dude* "Oh but officer I only meant to accidentally shoot the guy, I didn't really mean to shoot him" *dude walks out of jail* Let's not make this happen on Mineverse, shall we? No support.
Ever heard of the plea deal, reduced sentence, or parole? I love you you take it out of context by making it sound like it's literally gonna ruin the place.
Won't people just say their sorry, even though they don't mean it just so they can get a shorter ban time for whatever they done? If you can try to make this better, then it could definitely be an approach to aim for.