I have asked Some mods before if they had the command /vanish and they said no so i was like y not bc they did not have the perms and i have a reason y they should have it/ Reason 1 : It would be a lower chance of a Mod seeing a hacker really hack bc the hacker can turn offf his hacks and he wouldnt get banned Reason 2: IT would be a higher chance of a mod banning a hacker bc the hacker wont see the mod bc he is invisble and then he can ban him Reason 3: Mod being in vanish can hide there name in in the player list ( tab) and then hackers will use there hacks bc they kno theres no mod but really there is one
I honestly 100% Support this I totally agree that moderators should have /v because when hackers see a moderator is on they quickly exit the server. If this is implemented this would make it easier on the moderators part.
A big problem I see with this is that other players who are in need of help will not know where to find us.
English mother...Dangit, I can't do that meme. Oh well, its not worth it. /vanish should be enabled and allow mods to /vanish when they please. Of course, this shouldn't be abused to avoid the community and should be logged on the server when a mod types /vanish and the time they were vanished to check if a moderator is abusing it. On the flip side, its pretty good for catching hackers that are online and such. Basically that's all the uses it has. I'm a bit neutral on this because mainly the idea only has one use if I'm correct.
It has been and its pretty much known that we will never get access to /v because it can be abused. We have discussed possibly being able to have /spectate but it never really got passed the discussion stage.
It's a shame that the chance of abuse disallows such a useful feature to be added, but I guess the risks outweigh the benefits on this matter. Thanks for replying btw :p