Hey! Yesterday I wanted to play Mineverse and I tried to login many times, I found that I got banned for advertising I saw the report, The guy who reported me faked the picture. My suggestion is if you want to report anyone for advertising or death wishes You must make a video like hacking, scamming or tptrapping When you report him you show us the guy with his message then do /staff or /friends just proof its in Mineverse Note: You must make a video of the guy breaking the rules, Screenshots will not be accepted. Support; 5 No support; 2 Neutral:
No support, it can be a pain to upload a video to youtube just of someone advertising etc, and not everyone has a recorder
But if someone wants to false ban a guy using his server? He can ban him easily like what happened to me. Everyone can get a recorder.
I get that that's a problem and it needs a solution, I just don't think this is the best. And no, not everyone can
Why not? I got false banned for advertising and I didn't advertise so I don't want people who didn't do anything get false banned like me
I completely understand why it would be better to do it via video, but having people upload videos, rather than taking a simple screenshot would cause a lot of hassle. Unfortunately, I won't be able to support you on this, sorry.