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  • Staff Application - Tips and Tricks!

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by Nirds, Oct 18, 2016.

    1. Nirds

      Nirds Active Member

      Oct 16, 2016
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      Hi there everyone,

      Today, I will be taking you through the much-needed steps to have a great staff application at your grasp, and what you can do to have an even better chance at being accepted onto the staff team!
      Before I begin, I would just like to point out that these tips and tricks are from my experiences and how I see accepted or fantastic applications. Also, I wasn't exactly sure of where to put this thread so I just decided to put it in the "Discussions" tab :]

      I have learned in my experiences that staff applications have to be precise and full of integrity. If you want the position bad enough, what's the harm in researching a bit? Try to find out what staff like to see in an application and what they do not. However, never copy anything off of any application. This application is about you and what you're capable of! If a staff member finds you to be plagiarizing another applicant, you will most likely be denied and get in some trouble. Doing this might even lower your chances to become a staff member on your second application!

      Here are a few tips that I've picked up in the past.

      1. DETAIL - Having detail will help your application a lot. It will make your application stand out, and make staff more inclined to pass it on to other officials!
      I've seen far too many applications saying the same answer when asked how they stand out from the crowd, it's usually "I'm helpful, active, and always here to help!..." Try to steer clear of saying just this and elaborating, try to both say these things (adding plenty of detail) and also try stating how you're different.

      2. NEATNESS -
      Make your application neat. If your application is neat and clear to read, it not only draws people in but shows a sense of professionalism and shows you put effort into the application. Now, I don't believe that colors should count in applications.
      However, if you do feel the need to add color, try to make it nice and easy to read, but also like eye candy.(I have found that lighter colors are much more appealing!)

      3. PROPER ENGLISH - Good English, I can not stress this enough. Be sure to review your application before posting. Maybe share with a friend, or even go to a grammar checker online! I would suggest Grammarly. Having nice word choice helps your application boost a level, allowing people to really go "Wow! That's a thought over application :]"

      4. BE HONEST- Don't try, to be honest, simply be honest. People that have been doing this for a long while, can see right through your fake age or how helpful you really are. On a different server that I worked on, a long time moderator lied about their age. They were 13 instead of 15. They were demoted for lying and not meeting the requirement. You could have the chance of your application being denied if they find out you're not being truthful!

      5. TIME/EFFORT - Remember, creating your application isn't a race. Be sure to go the extra mile if you truly want to apply and help the server for the greater good! It also doesn't have to be the longest application in the world. Just make it long enough that you can explain everything you want to, but short enough so people don't lose interest too quickly. I will admit that I have skipped a few lines of an application for being a thread and a comment long.

      6. TAKING CRITICISM - While writing your application, you should really consider an extra layer of armor. Meaning, you will be getting criticism. I would quite honestly welcome it! You can write at the end of your application "Please give some constructive criticism. Thanks for reading..." and continue on. Not only does criticism help you improving your application(s) but it also shows that you're prepared to take it when in action.

      7. SAVING - This is less of an improving your application but more of a decreasing your rage. I don't know how many times I've had to restart my entire application due to the page refreshing, the forums not properly submitting, or my internet just plain going out. It's hard to get into the habit of this, but be sure to save your application every now and again! Can't ever be too safe :]

      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Here are some of my personal pet peeves. Please keep in mind that these aren't the same for everyone! These pet peeves will not be involved with the tips I listed because the opposites of all of those are huge turnoffs!
      - Polls asking "Should I be staff?".
      - Not spaced out properly or spaced out too much. This can totally change your application for the worse.
      - Cursing of any sort in an application.
      - Any type of "text talk" (Examples: xD, Lol, Idk, Cuz, I believe that smiley faces are totally fine, though :])

      - Not meeting the requirements

      Hopefully, I helped you all out! If you don't wish to apply on MineVerse, feel free to use this on different servers. All in all, I just hope that you guys can find this of use!


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    2. Via

      Via Experienced Member

      Apr 24, 2016
      Likes Received:
      boop boop this is cute! i suppurrt :33

      bloop bloop boop boing (screams at the bouncing strawberries)
    3. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      By the way, in the "How to judge applicants" thread written by Cyp, he says 'Don't judge by their grammar'
      I'm not sure why, but it says that :)

      This is useful, may want to move it to "Guides and How To"?
    4. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      Moved to the correct location. This is a beautiful guide, I love it!
    5. sitzoum

      sitzoum Experienced Member

      Feb 20, 2014
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      OK I will state my opinion about how people judge moderator applications for some reason. One can easily notice that in most moderator applications people go neutral or even no support because of the application having NO COLOR OR TOO MUCH COLOR
      I think that people shouldn't be judged by the colors they use in a moderator application.

      possible replies to this:
      "sitzum git a life"

      "i lik kolors so mor kolrs the bter the aplickations"

      "You have been banned for existing"

      "The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding"

      thank you for wasting your time to read this. < 3
    6. Nirds

      Nirds Active Member

      Oct 16, 2016
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      Thank you, Via!

      Odd, I suppose that's fair for people out of the country with different writing etiquette. In my opinion, though, they should still try to have proper grammar :]
      Thank you for both the compliment and moving this thread!
      No problem!
    7. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I can already tell which server this was adapted from, Nirds ;p
    8. MrDonutYT

      MrDonutYT Active Member

      Nov 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I love this!
    9. MrDonutYT

      MrDonutYT Active Member

      Nov 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I might even use this... aww.. WHAT AM I SAYING! FORSURE!!
    10. AliceLpsHui68

      AliceLpsHui68 Active Member

      Dec 16, 2016
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      Nice Guide! Thanks So Much <3 <3
    11. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Detail isn't anything to worry about when it comes to applications, it's not the application being judged, it's the applicant. People have gone to the word limit for threads making applications but not gotten promoted. Just write as much as you feel is necessary.
    12. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Great guide!I would just suggest adding maturity on there.Maturity is a very important when it comes to applying for moderator.Anyone who is immature is not ready for the job,therefore maturity also plays a big part when it comes to applying for staff.Anyone can be mature.I have seen moderators as young as 12 year's old.Maturity does not count on age it counts on who you truly are and if you are ready.
      Once again great guide :)
    13. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Amazing guide. Maybe add something about doing reports and being active within the community?
    14. ModernAdventurer

      ModernAdventurer Experienced Member

      Feb 6, 2017
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