Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Now we're both banned xD
Dang it lol
If I take you out I wanna go down with you. (Hopefully that did not sound creepy)
Banned for saying lol
Banned for banning both of us
Banned for using my logical logic to ban a moderator.
Banned for confusing me
Banned for ReAdInG tHiS mEsSaGe
Banned for banning me for "This message"
Banned for replying to a concrete message even if it wasn't even a clear sage.mes
Banned for being a bear
Banned for discrimination against Bears.
Banned for thinking I'm discriminating a bear
Banned for not realizing you were discriminating against bears.
Banned for not letting this thread die in peace.
Banned for contributing to it's continued survival.
Banned for being right.
Banned for agreeing with your banner.
Banned for changing your name to Colby
Banned for not changing your name