Hello sitzoum! Unfortunately I don't know you well enough to give a good description, but like the name? hehe ;-; why...ur ez and bad in PvP and I rekt you everytim. Jkjk you're a good friend <3
:( Hi you are sending in a lot of reports to me daily. You are fun to play and talk to. Did you not see the ;)?
Janice - You are a wonderful mentor, and helped me a lot. I remember about a year and 4 months ago when you helped me build a head-shop You are one of the kindest/nicest people I know on the forums.
Jhow- You are a person that I used to hate before the last 3 or 4 days. I thought you were annoying, and immature. Now I think of you as sort of a friend. Keep doing those reports The potato man...you were a great moderator when you first got promoted, and are again. I haven't got to know you that well, but I hope that can change Where do I start? You were an amazing moderator in all of the time that you spent. I always saw you on everyday even though our Timezones are almost the exact opposite. Hi. You are someone that I don't know that well. You are active handling reports, and in-game, I just don't typically play the gamemodes you play. Hello, you are the potato man 2...you make me laugh a lot in-game, and I see you almost daily.
I would like to get to know you too Blue I saw you in-game the one day M8. You seem like a chill person. Good luck being moderator, I wanna apply soon :P, I don't meet the requirements with 50 posts yet XD.