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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by amli, Sep 20, 2016.

    1. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      Hmu again because like
      Why not
    2. BabyJr

      BabyJr Experienced Member

      Sep 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Can I have one
    3. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Chickennnnn wingssss
    4. PotatoDew

      PotatoDew Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2016
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      hallo lel
    5. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      If you insist.
    6. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      kms there were so many to do. Sorry I let these sit so long :p
      We don't talk much, probably because of timezones. I have seen you in-game enough to know you more than a stranger, though, I guess. :) Hit me up anytime you wanna talk.

      You're very respectful and friendly. It is always very nice talking to you. :)

      oh.. it's you..
      I'm joking. You're actually pretty cool, you're funny and have a good sense of humour :)

      Don't really know you, can't provide a proper opinion. If you want to talk just hmu

      Jenn!!!! I still remember the times that everyone used to play bedwars together!!! I guess that's how me and got to know each other better, I still have no idea how you managed to put up with my large amounts of screaming everytime I fell out of the world. We don't talk as much anymore and I'm pretty sure that's because school has gone back for us both and we have been very busy. I would still love to talk to you anytime you want just text me! :D

      You are incredibly sweet to everyone, I hope you get another chance at moderating some day.

      We don't talk, as much as I have wanted to get to know you I am lacking the social skills. I have heard good things about you and you seem cool. Hit me up anytime :)

      So you wrote this before you were promoted, to be completely honest you weren't one of the people I thought was going to get promoted anyway but you made it! You continue to show me everyday that you are deserving of your position, you are extremely hard working and put 110% into everything you do. You are also very funny!

      Reborn! Me and you really got to know each other over building the infection map. We have made some good memories and I hope that we can still make new ones!

      Blackzone, MY FRIEND. In all honesty, you used to scare me.. a lot. I don't know if it was your name or your skin or the scary ol' font you use but you just always managed to scare me. Now that I've gotten to know you better I know that there is nothing to be scared about. You are a great friend and a great staff member, you are awesome at everything you do!

      Don't know you, can't provide an opinion other than you are really pretty! :)

      Don't know you, can't provide an opinion.

      Don't know you, can't provide an opinion.

      Very good staff member, I remember when it was like my 2nd day of being a moderator and some players were having a go at me in chat. You told them to leave me alone and they did, this is something I wont forget. You are very respectful :)

      Ok. Ok. OK. AMAZING TASTE IN MUSIC JUST AMAZING!!!!! Other than that, you are an amazing friend, I care about you are lot and it's great knowing you. You're sense of humour is unique but amazing :D

      meme lord i bow duwn 2 u
      bless mi pls
      i giv potato if u teach me huw 2 git dem memes liek u

      Very friendly! I see you a lot in-game, mostly on kitpvp. It's always fun player with you :D

      who is stacker7? I'm joking.
      You are very nice to me in-game and always make me laugh. Best of luck with your moderator application.

      Ginger! Hi! Well we haven't talked before other than that one time on the teamspeak. Sorry if I sounded weird it was like 3am and I wanted to just pass out. You see like a very fun, confident and friendly person!

      Boss! You're my dubtrack buddy, I still remember how we first met on the dubtrack. After that I began seeing you around in-game and we began to talk more. You are very relatable and a great friend to have.

      We don't talk much but you're a very OP factions/towny player.

      Hey tiger :)
      Something I have always loved about you is how humble you are. Before you were promoted you did not at all think you were going to be promoted despite me and most people who know you telling you otherwise. You're amazing at pvp (envy) stay cool :)

      When you posted this we had only just started talking, I remember thinking that doing a tbh on you without mentioning eminem would be impossible but it really isn't. You know how much your friendship means to me. Before we started to talk I had heard so much about you, negative things mostly. I decided to put all of that aside and get to know you for myself, I found out that you weren't exactly what people say and that you are actually an amazing person. You are very caring to your friends and it is amazing to be able to call you my friend. I will always stand by you through anything and I am sure that you would do the same for me. :)

      Heyyyy! You're a pretty sweet guy, you're always there to hook me up with some potatoes whenever I need them!

      You an amazing person. You have bought multiple people ranks and this is a sign of your amazing kindness. I respect you a lot as a person. I hope that you continue to be the best you can be! :)

      We don't talk, as much as I have wanted to get to know you I am lacking the social skills. I have heard good things about you and you seem cool. Hit me up anytime :)

      So you wrote this before you were promoted, to be completely honest you weren't one of the people I thought was going to get promoted anyway but you made it! You continue to show me everyday that you are deserving of your position, you are extremely hard working and put 110% into everything you do. You are also very funny!

      Reborn! Me and you really got to know each other over building the infection map. We have made some good memories and I hope that we can still make new ones!

      Blackzone, MY FRIEND. In all honesty, you used to scare me.. a lot. I don't know if it was your name or your skin or the scary ol' font you use but you just always managed to scare me. Now that I've gotten to know you better I know that there is nothing to be scared about. You are a great friend and a great staff member, you are awesome at everything you do!

      Don't know you, can't provide an opinion other than you are really pretty! :)

      Don't know you, can't provide an opinion.

      Don't know you, can't provide an opinion.

      Very good staff member, I remember when it was like my 2nd day of being a moderator and some players were having a go at me in chat. You told them to leave me alone and they did, this is something I wont forget. You are very respectful :)

      Ok. Ok. OK. AMAZING TASTE IN MUSIC JUST AMAZING!!!!! Other than that, you are an amazing friend, I care about you are lot and it's great knowing you. You're sense of humour is unique but amazing :D

      meme lord i bow duwn 2 u
      bless mi pls
      i giv potato if u teach me huw 2 git dem memes liek u

      Very friendly! I see you a lot in-game, mostly on kitpvp. It's always fun player with you :D

      who is stacker7? I'm joking.
      You are very nice to me in-game and always make me laugh. Best of luck with your moderator application.

      Ginger! Hi! Well we haven't talked before other than that one time on the teamspeak. Sorry if I sounded weird it was like 3am and I wanted to just pass out. You see like a very fun, confident and friendly person!

      Boss! You're my dubtrack buddy, I still remember how we first met on the dubtrack. After that I began seeing you around in-game and we began to talk more. You are very relatable and a great friend to have.

      We don't talk much but you're a very OP factions/towny player.

      Hey tiger :)
      Something I have always loved about you is how humble you are. Before you were promoted you did not at all think you were going to be promoted despite me and most people who know you telling you otherwise. You're amazing at pvp (envy) stay cool :)

      When you posted this we had only just started talking, I remember thinking that doing a tbh on you without mentioning eminem would be impossible but it really isn't. You know how much your friendship means to me. Before we started to talk I had heard so much about you, negative things mostly. I decided to put all of that aside and get to know you for myself, I found out that you weren't exactly what people say and that you are actually an amazing person. You are very caring to your friends and it is amazing to be able to call you my 'friend.' I will always stand by you through anything and I am sure that you would do the same for me. :)

      Heyyyy! You're a pretty sweet guy, you're always there to hook me up with some potatoes whenever I need them!

      You an amazing person. You have bought ranks for multiple people and this shows how kind you are as a person. I admire you greatly and have a large amount of respect for you. Please, continue to try and be the best you possibly can be! :)

      Hahaha hey, It's always towny that I manage to run into you on. You are very fun and friendly, playing in-game with you is an amazing experience and I would happily do it any-day! :)

      Hello! I remember when you first joined the forums ahaha, I have always thought you were pretty cool and you continue to prove me right on a daily basis! Very friendly and it's been awesome knowing you :)

      Ok, what is there not to say. I have always had the highest level of respect for you, always looked up to you and admired everything you do. The day that you supported my application, I am not lying, I practically jumped with joy. You then gave me continous support and encouraged me to be the best I possibly could be. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for you. We have been through out ups and downs but you are, overall, an amazing friend and I am happy to have you by my side.
      Always remember, CHICKEN WINGS GOT YOUR BACK!!!

      One of my first friends here on mv and one of the only one's from my original friends that hasn't quit. Happy that you have stayed this long because you always find a way to make me laugh! :)
      • Like Like x 1
    7. Baby

      Baby Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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    8. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      not as nooby as you ;)
      You and Wolfie, you are both amazing friends to have. The rare occasions were we are free to call it is pretty much guaranteed lots of laughter and good times. You are insanely good at PvP and I really hope your youtube channel goes well! :)
      • Like Like x 1
    9. Jhow

      Jhow Boss Member

      Jan 6, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Yes please
    10. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      I already gave you one but I guess I'll do a proper one now.

      We don't talk nearly enough as I'd like, it's usually just the general 'Hi' 'Hello 'How are you' and the occasional meme. You are a very funny lil' sloth with a great sense of humour. If you want to talk more, well, you have me on skype so text me anytime. Best of luck with your moderator application! :)
    11. dankmeme

      dankmeme Experienced Member

      Dec 14, 2015
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      MemeMe ;)
    12. Jhow

      Jhow Boss Member

      Jan 6, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Now that I know you want to talk...... I will for sure text you more <3
    13. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks, I needed that.
    14. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      I am of the cool variety - Also, I've definitely been lacking in the social conductivity of the forums, more so than I used to a year ago. I'll say hi every now and then though :)
    15. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Why not
    16. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Anything for the Andrew here? :)
    17. sdgwsdg8612

      sdgwsdg8612 Active Member

      May 2, 2014
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      i giv memz if u gime potate frist i pr0mise i not skamer
    18. longed

      longed Well-Known Member

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      ily auzzi
    19. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      ayyy do me
    20. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      ;-; .

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