Hey man, I recently read what you put in skype chat, calling one of my friends a slut and the B word, thats pretty uncool man. I don't k now the history between you too and I'm not one to judge but I'm not sure If I want a staff member who treats people like that. I think I am going to remain neutral for now. I also have screenshots that I will link if necessary...
No support, I don't see you ingame, you just started doing reports and reasons stated by @Alma. Also this is just me, but I feel former staff shouldn't be promoted just because they were staff before, they need to prove they want it again.
I've deleted the side conversations and posts about things said on skype as they have no bearing here. If you already no supported there is no reason to come back and slander. You don't support him and I think everyone here realizes that. No need to keep saying it. As for the app, it's lovely. Best of luck to you Jhow.
Thanks man Thanks so much <3 I understand thank you for your reply, I hope to see you in game Thanks duck <3 Thanks Shireen <333333 Thank you! <3 I know what it looks like and it looks bad but if you knew my part of the story you would understand, I really couldn't care that she no supported me. I just want you to know that there was a bigger reason to it, also after Skyping Alma everyday for about a year I know that she can try to make her self sound like the victim in things. Me and Alma are really close, we Skype almost everyday and sometimes close friends have big fights it happens. The problem we had on Skype has been fixed as we have apologised to each other. Thanks ducky <3 Thank you for your reply I will be sure to work on those things <3 hope to see you in game Thank you for you reply I completely understand I hope you will see that I really do want it. Thanks man Thank you pile <3 Cheers bro