Hi, my other thread got archived so heres my question again: Is anyone else having problems logging into Mineverse? Every time I join I get an error that says readtimeoutexception. I checked and I am not currently banned, so something else must be off/wrong... I tried several things - reinstalling mc, trying other ips like mineverse.net, and trying other servers (they work) - but mineverse still is not letting me log in. Any other suggestions + can a mod make sure im not banned for something (I looked in archives but from what I see, im not) Thanks in advance!
Sorry, I thought Crew fixed this issue yesterday. That's why I closed the thread. What version are you running? EDIT: http://www.mineverse.com/bans/index.php?player=Paskov123&server=1&action=searchplayer
Thanks for clearing that up lol. I was about to uninstall then reinstall windows 10, which would have been quite the effort + annoyance.