Hey all, Rlxtreme here and I had a suggestion concerning Titan. Now, while doing absolutely nothing, I decided to look at the rank prices. For example, God rank which is the 2nd highest rank in the game is $100. Not bad price for what God rank gives. However, the price for titan rank is $250. Now, I'm no cheapskate, but I'm a bit concerned that may be too much for the rank itself. So, let's compare God rank to that of Titan rank and see if the upgrades are worth a extra $150. God Rank: All servers: Custom [God] prefix. Blue colored username and nametag. Ability to set 5 warps on Skyblock and Survival. Ability to use &(0-9)(a-e) color codes to chat in colors. Ability to mine mob spawners. Access to /hat Access to /me Access to /workbench Access to /enderchest Access to /ptime Access to /kittycannon Access to /near on all non pvp-related servers. Access to /clan create [Invite up to 25 members] ** Access to /ah [Auction Limit: 8] ** Access to /fireball, /tnt, /clear, & /firework on Creative. Permanent WorldEdit on Creative. Join server if full. Titan Rank: - Dark Green [Titan] Prefix & Name [All servers] - Iron Golem & Human pet. [All servers] - Disguise as an Iron Golem or another player. [Creative, Skyblock, Survival, Skygrid, Hellblock] - Access to /enchant. [Creative, Skyblock, Survival, Skygrid, Hellblock] - Access to /ah [Auction Limit 10] [Factions, KitPvP] - Access to /clan create [Invite up to 30 members] [KitPvP] - Access to mine spawners [Factions, Survival, Skyblock] - Access to /god. [Skyblock, Survival, Skygrid, Hellblock] - Access to /vanish. [Creative, Skyblock, Survival, Skygrid, Hellblock] - 10 Sethomes [Factions, Prison, OP Factions, OP Prison] - Access to /repair all [Factions, Prison, OP Factions, OP Prison] - Access to /invsee. [All servers] - Permanent WorldEdit. [Creative] - Ability to Feed and Heal others. [All servers] What Titan rank upgrades: - Color from Blue to Green on your in-game tag. - Iron Golem and Human pet. - Disguise Command (Which I believe is disabled). - /enchant (Which I believe Gods can /enchant as well) - 2 extra items added to the auction limit. - /vanish (Which is completely OP on all servers that are pvp related) - 10 sethomes. - /feed and /heal (which Gods can as well) - /repair (which gods can /repair too) - /invsee - /god - 5 extra clan members So, you're more or less paying for 10 sethomes, 5 extra clan members, and /god and /invsee. As well as /vanish on creative. Is it worth it though? For $250 I would argue no. Mainly because we aren't seeing a large bulk of upgrades. Yeah, /god and /vanish are nice, but they are for 5 servers. The rest of the upgrades seem small compared to what you're paying. $150 for 2 extra sethomes and 5 more clan members. So, what should the price be then? Well, it comes with the territory. What I mean is, at this time, the price should be $150. And that's being considerate of the owner. Mainly because you're paying for non-pvp related items that won't be used in more than half the server. I only see 2 extra sethomes are valuable item when upgraded. Now, if there were a considerately larger amount of items for buying titan, then yeah I would say its worth $250, but at the moment its not. What do you guys think? should Titan be decreased? Or should it stay the same? Also, if there are any commands I'm not seeing here, please let me know in the comment below so we could point out that some commands are missing from the shop info. Thanks.
No support, Titan is for people who want to really support Mineverse. I didn't purchase it for the perks, but so I could support Mineverse as much as I could. It says right in the description of Titan: "The Titan rank is for those that wish to support Mineverse to the fullest. All features of the God rank are included with extra benefits listed below:"
I understand that its a support rank and that those who wish to donate could do so with a $250 rank, but why have any in-game features if its a support rank? If its a support rank, make it a support rank, not half and half. Ranks shouldn't exist anyway, but I'll ignore that fact for a the moment to discuss how this should just be a support rank if its a support rank. If its all about the server, then make it all about the server, not appeal to the customer by giving them some extra features such as /invsee and /vanish.
No support, sorry. This is one way Mineverse makes money to keep running and /god and /heal all are bigger perks than just god. If people don't want to pay the extra $150 then they don't have to. Also, it would be unfair to the people who bought Titan before.
I understand that as well. Now if this is about money, like i stated in the comment above, then make it about money. If you want to attract players to the rank you currently have, then decrease the price. No one's gonna pay a million does just for a piece of paper saying, "Yay, you spent your money for our benefit. Enjoy the donation." How many people are seriously going to take that deal if that was emphasized when purchasing titan rank. You will attract more people if you had a rank worth $250. Upgrade the rank, and you're make more money. For a dying server like MV, we need ranks that are fair in use meaning, when you spend $250, you get $250 worth of items in-game rather than a "thank you" note and a few customization's to your character rather than items in-game. Who would spend $250 on a dying server that's not really worth more than the God rank, when you could go to MP or HP a very popular server and get a lot of non in-game items that could help you in that server.
It was definitely worth it and still is as "Pay2Win" is still currently a feature on quite a few of the servers. This will change and I personally believe it will bring the Titan rank less traffic. This may mean that overtime the ranks/prices of ranks will change in order to make them "worth" the price. I'm sure the owners have thought this through and will officially announce what is happening with the servers and ranks to keep them EULA friendly.
No support, how my hundreds possibly thousands of people have already got titan? How could you justify devaluing their purchase?
Neutral. It would be good for future buyers although it would decrease the value to those who already bought it.
Well, like I said the solution is to either upgrade the kit to match the price, or downgrade the price to match the kit. A good point to make here is that thousands have purchased titan rank, and that being said, they deserve a better rank if its gonna be about the player. Of course, they have, a few servers have been disabled from using kits, however with in-game items being taken away, the value of the rank goes down even more. More cosmetic items that don't hold any in-game value would have to be added to match the price of the rank.
How can you possibly justify how much a rank is valued at? There is no possible way that you personally can provide the EXACT price at which these ranks should be. Then, I may also have to aim you towards the name of said "ranks". They are called "Donor Ranks". High value, for sure, but let's be real here. They are clearly in no way at all forcing people to donate to their server. A $250 for the average person towards a server isn't overly that common in one payment anyway. If you aren't happy with the perks that Titan comes with, then simply don't donate to the server in order to receive that rank. Donate for the one in which you believe holds a good value for money.
Getting things in return for our money is very generous, considering the money we spend is donations to help keep the server running. I believe we do get what we pay for, and it's not like paying money is the only way to get Titan.