This is just an idea i hope it becomes part of the Hub of the server.I know other servers have lobby changes for every holiday or some kind of special day like Halloween,i think Mineverse should also have a lobby change for every big holiday. Examples: Halloween Christmas Easter Summer and etc... Basically were I'm going with this is Mineverse should have a lobby change for every holiday or special event that is taken place on that day, it would a cool and expressive way for Mineverse to celebrate the holidays,would also be a really cool change and might attract more player's to the lobby's hub. Hope this idea works out! Have a great day -Sellinq
Support. Builders would have to make the map and cyp would have to pay them. If the builders are willing to do that and cyp agrees on it I think it would be nice.
Definite support, but I'm not sure about seasonal lobbies because one someone's summer could be another person's winter.
this sounds great But what about what @Alex said? When it's her Christmas, its summer for her, but christmad for me is cold
As long as our server is cooler as long as weare happy. @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks You should make a section in the forums called Holiday lobbies where we get to put holiday lobby maps.