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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by xToddx, Oct 4, 2016.

    1. xToddx

      xToddx Active Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      Water benders:
      Specializes in maneuverability in and on the water.
      Oceans are perfect for Waterbenders.
      Techniques range from freezing over lakes, manipulating the water to do damage, or even pushing back your opponent with large waves, and much more.
      Mixture of defensive and offensive.
      Opens up possibilities in bodies of water that are otherwised closed to the other disciplines.

      Specialize in bare handed combat.
      Can block a user's chi. Disabling their bending temporarily.
      Take less fall damage, jump higher, run faster.
      Strikes deal more damage than normal.
      Not very good when it comes to defense.

      Very offensive playstyle.
      Any environment (besides water) is perfect for a firebender.
      Techniques range from extinguishing fires, creating rings of fire on the ground, creating walls of fire, lightning, shooting fireballs, and much more.
      Very little mobility / defense.

      Specializes in mobility and defense.
      The land is the ideal spot for an airbender, although they can bend in water as well.
      Techniques range from Air Scooter, Air Shield, creating tornados, blasting your opponent with air, and more.
      Natural pacifists. Lack much raw damage output, but make up for it in their mobility and speed.
      Increases speed, decreases rate of hunger, disables fall damage.

      Specializes manipulating the earth around them.
      Any area containing land is perfect for an earthbender.
      Techniques range from using Earth to guard yourself (Armor, Walls, Columns), using earth to launch yourself, digging, blasting earth at other players, and much more.
      Fundamentally the same as Waterbenders. Mixture of offensive and defensive playstyles.
      Will not take fall damage if they land on anything they can bend.

      Link: http://minecrafttla.wikia.com/wiki/MinecraftTLA_Wiki

      Link: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/minecraft-last-airbender/pages/waterbending/

      Link: http://projectkorra.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chiblocking

      Link: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/minecraft-last-airbender/pages/firebending/

      Link: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/minecraft-last-airbender/pages/airbending/

      Link: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/minecraft-last-airbender/pages/earthbending/

      Link to the Bukkit site: https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/minecraft-last-airbender/
    2. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      reply to your threads instead of making new ones, so it's easier to see
    3. xToddx

      xToddx Active Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      The website is only letting me reply to other users at the moment, but thank you for the tip. :) I'm trying to contact someone to help, but I've got my hands full!
    4. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      So you are saying....
      For Mineverse to add a type of gamemode with these plugins and moves involved in it?

      Can you add some information on what the point of this Gamemode is for, and how to play it? Like you have all the commands, but what do the players do? Is it an 1v1 arena with people doing these powers? Or a Free for all with everyone people having the ability to do these moves? And so on.

      I just quickly skimmed through all the posts for this, and if I missed those parts of the post, just let me know.
    5. xToddx

      xToddx Active Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      I did add a little bit of what the Gamemode is for and how to play it, but I was vague since I couldn't reply to my own threads for some reason (I have that fixed now) and the character limit is 15000 (which I exceeded by 3 whole posts x'D)

      But I would love to expand upon this!

      This gamemode is based off of an anime called "Avatar: The Last Airbender." The show is about an airbender that is the last of his kind, yadda yadda, stuff happens, things go down...this is unrelated. See, the fun comes in with the bender's abilities. Benders can manipulate a specific element that they are given at birth, for Minecraft, that's whatever the player chooses. For example: Airbenders can create tornadoes to move hostilities away from them, and kill/damage any living thing that comes into contact with the tornado. In Minecraft, this would be useful for fighting mobs/other players, and something a friend and I did as a combo: a Firebender throws fireballs into a tornado to cause more damage and wreck forests faster. It was really neat!

      Anyways, the point of this gamemode is to allow players to have more fighting options, and have another way to connect with a very loved anime. It also expands their knowledge on Minecraft and the anime itself, making Minecraft and the anime much more enjoyable.

      I can't give you exactly how to use the moves since that's something you put into a server, but most moves are relatively easy. Unless you're a Chiblocker...that class is hard to use. The players can do several things: create a gang, faction, team, etc. whatever way they want, based on a specific element, ability, or other requirements. It's basically just normal Minecraft with added powers. I've seen this plugin used in a variety of ways, Default Survival, Factions, KitPvP, even Prison. I liked Factions better, since I could create an Airbenders gang, but the other hubs were nice too.

      A 1v1 arena is common in all hubs, and is a possibility. I would consider that for more advanced players that are competitive and want more than just powers. A FFA server including all of these is more typical, as not all players are competitive or want to use their powers for fighting. Some Earthbenders use their powers for gardening then selling their crops, others used their abilities for fighting for fun, and the rest fought for money. This applies to all other benders, some will use it for casual purposes, others will use it for money.

      I think that having this added gamemode would definitely spark more interest in players and maybe even drag more players into the server as many players search relentlessly for Bending (aka TLA) servers.
    6. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Oh gosh
      Seems very interesting!
      Not sure what If I support this or not... But I'll go with neutral, because at the moment the staff really needs to fix major problems with Mineverse. But maybe later on this would be a great addition.

      And yea, Avitar: The last airbender was like the best show when I was younger. Miss it so much :'D
    7. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Might want to connect this to your other thread.
    8. xToddx

      xToddx Active Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      I'm new here, how do I do that?
    9. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      You should have posted the other part into a normal comment under the actual thread, can't really do anything now.
    10. xToddx

      xToddx Active Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      I couldn't at the time, Chrome was acting up so I had to post separately.

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