So, as of returning to the forums, I've noticed this happen quite a lot and honestly, it's quite annoying. Basically, moderators have been going through applications and replying to them because the applicant doesn't behold the minimum requirements in order to be accepted. They are allowing the user 48 hours to do so. So, to the suggestion: If it is impossible for the user to reach the minimum requirements, then the application should just be closed there and then. For example: Let's say the user registered for their account on October 1st, then made their application on October 7th. They've only been registered for 1 week. If a mod then goes and posts on their application, giving them 48 hours to reach the required "2 weeks", surely that's impossible and only giving the application a false hope? Wouldn't it make more sense to just leave them a message along the lines of "Sorry, but unfortunately you don't currently hold the minimum requirements in order to be accepted. Due to this, we will have to lock the app until further notice. When you do hold all the requirements, please feel free to either create a new application or message a mod asking them to open this one. Thank you."
Someone has already made a thread like this the mods said no because they want everyone to get the same chance or something like that
In this case, it's not giving them the same chance at all. Sure, it may look that way, but in the end, it's clearly impossible for the user to obtain 7 more days registered on the forums in 48 hours.
I previously suggested this, but support. It's pointless to tag applications as having 48 hours before being closed if they can't possibly meet the requirements in that amount of time.
Support. (Now I go on to add some unnecessary bs on my post to make it look good) It makes no sense at all to give someone 48 hours when they need a whole week. (I tried...)
Full support. After Mods have resigned, there have been a spark of more moderator applications, and the new ones basically are mostly just [48]s, and they aren't cleared that often anymore. I would appreciate this a lot, so the real Mod Apps with potential will be put at the front.
Support...Is there anyway we can set it so that only people with the requirements can make a mod app?
That's my thoughts. I've not been back for terribly long, and I've honestly noticed it a fair amount. I've mentioned it a couple of times, but nothing happened. Thanks for the support. I believe that there has been a suggestion set around that. Unfortunately, I'm not really sure if XenForo could do this. I mean, they could always edit ranks or something, so, when a user does reach the requirements for mod, they are given something. Maybe even a trophy? Though, make it worth 0?
surely you can get 3 weeks of being on the forums in 48 hours, right guys?! No? Well I support this idea then.
Support. Every time I see this, it annoys me. As stated in the suggestion (and comments), it's pointless to tag a moderator application with [48Hrs] when there is no way of meeting the requirments. It's basically just post farming. Rather than simply closing the moderator application,the applicant is given [48pointlessHrs], then finally it's closed. Also... Support for replacing the current message with this one^
Thank you. I've seen a few people get given 48 hours to gain 7 days registered. Couldn't agree more. I personally do see it as a means of post farming. The message could always be made better - I never really put much thought into it.