Refer to this list to get an idea of what mods are and aren't allowed. I would consider it to be two of the disallowed reasons, but I'd probably personally contact a head-mod to find out. @Pile @Dyna_Mighty
Well considering its not necessarily a hack, nor is it really cheating per say, you could say it is allowed. But, then again the rules state that any mod that gives you an advantage over the player is not allowed, so being able to auto sneak is a pretty good advantage over the player. Very useful in infection when you sneak to avoid being seen from nametags.
I'm pretty sure it's allowed. A lot of people here use Better PvP mod and they don't get banned. So I don't see why not.
Toggle sprint is allowed. When you say toggle sneak, are you talking about to where you can continuously crouch and move slow like you do in a crouch? Or are you talking about where you are crouched and can still move at a normal pace?
One allows your avatar to look as if they are crouching, but allowing you to move like normal. The other is basically like normal crouching, minus the fact you have to hold your crouch key. You only have to press it once. Meaning you can stay crouched and type, etc.