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  • prefixed's moderator reapplication

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by pre, Sep 23, 2016.

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    1. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Well, hello there. I'm Prefixed. I'm a previous moderator here on Mineverse. I moderated from January to March, which is when I grew bored of Minecraft and therefore decided to resign. Several months later, here I am again. I've regained interest in Minecraft, which has brought me back to Mineverse and now I'm reapplying for a second chance in assisting this server moderate again. I do not plan on quitting Minecraft or leaving Mineverse any time in the near future and so I don't want you to think I'm going to be here just for a month or two then disappear again.

      I'd like to thank CypriotMerks for giving me the opportunity to help this great server in the first place. Cyp, I've heard that you are not a big fan of reapplications and I would assume it's because you want someone dedicated, not someone who is going to make bad mistakes while performing their duties or someone who is going to leave the team after a short period of time, but I'd like to encourage you to give me a second chance. I really enjoyed the time I had moderating the server and I would love the chance to do it again. Mineverse is a fantastic server and I'd like to be a help in keeping it that way.

      Some people may argue that it's too early, as I've only returned to Mineverse recently, but I'm posting my application anyways. Feel free to comment on it though - I'll understand.

      For anyone interested in viewing my original application, of which was accepted, you can view it here: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/prefixeds-moderator-application.65559/.

      Now, on to the questions.


      Application Questionnaire

      What is your in-game name
      My in-game name is Prefixed. It's the only username I've ever used on Mineverse and I have no intentions of changing it.

      What timezone are you in
      I am in the Eastern Time Zone.

      This is three hours ahead of the Pacific Time Zone, two hours ahead of the Mountain Time Zone, and one hour ahead of the Central Time Zone.

      What country do you live in

      I live in the United States.

      What languages do you speak

      I currently only speak English. I plan on taking Spanish or French by the end of high school.

      Do you have 2FA enabled

      Yes. I have had two-factor authentication enabled on my account ever since it was released several months ago.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence

      I do indeed.

      In the case that I would need to take a screenshot, I use Lightshot as well as the built-in Minecraft screenshot ability if I would need to take a screenshot even quicker.
      For video recording, I use Camtasia. It has a watermark, as I am using the trial version. I continue to use it though because of it's ability to quickly upload YouTube videos. Alternatively, I use Corel VideoStudio.

      Why do you think you should become a mod

      There are a few reasons why I think I should become a moderator. These reasons are:
      I'm mature. I believe that in order to be a successful moderator, you have to have maturity. I can be laid back and chill at times, especially when everyone is having a good time, but I will make sure that I'm performing as a moderator should perform.
      I'm responsible. If I were to make a mistake that I feel is worthy of bringing to the attention of the staff team, I will do such. If confronted for my actions, I will assure you that I acknowledge them, as well as let you know my reasoning. I also will not abuse my powers and not use them for anything other than what they are supposed to be used for.

      I'm unbiased. If a friend of mine were to break a rule, I won't treat them with special privilege and make sure that they are moderated as they should be. I'll be sure that everyone is treated fairly as fair as moderation goes..
      I'm knowledgeable. I know a lot about Mineverse and all of the game modes that Mineverse consists of. I know how to work all of the commands in each of them, as well as the moderator commands necessary to perform my duties.
      I'm active. I'm constantly online in-game and on the forums. In-game I'm constantly jumping from game mode to game mode, hanging around and seeing what's going on. On the forums, I typically lurk more than I post, but I do reply to threads I feel are worthy of my response and I provide a response to most messages I receive.
      I'm helpful. If I see that someone is in need of assistance, whether it be them needing information on how to play or them needing some sort of item, I try and help them to the best of my ability. If I am unable to help a player with a specific issue, I will be sure to find someone who can.
      I'm respectful. I try and treat all players the same way I would like to be treated, as I wouldn't be a fan of someone being abusive to me or another player. I believe that in order to gain respect, you must give respect and so I follow that.

      I'm committed to my job. I love moderating, therefore leading to my strong commitment. If chosen for the staff team, I plan to stick with it for some time. I will make sure that my duties are done in a proper manner and nothing other.
      I'm a fast typer. If a player were to break the rules, my typing skills would be useful. Quickly, I would be able to properly moderate the offender. My typing skills could also be useful in the case of someone requiring assistance.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday
      I can be active over 5 hours on weekdays and over 8 hours on weekends.
      These times may vary depending on my plans for the day.

      Sunday thru Thursday: 3:10 PM to 10:30 PM.
      Friday: 3:10 PM to 11:30 PM.
      Saturday: 12:00 PM to 11:30 PM.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse

      I have been playing Mineverse for over a year now. I first started playing in June of 2014, but I was unable to play for a period of time due to the loss of my original account. I started playing again September 2015 under this account, of which I have made sure that I will not lose access to.

      Have you ever been banned in the past

      I have, once, but the ban was not due to any of my actions. I had traded with a player in order to get an upgrade to Titan. The player upgraded me, as well as about 6 or 7 others, but most of the transactions were disputed due to them being unauthorized. This caused the recipients of the charged-back transactions to be banned and I was one of the affected. This was in-game.
      On the forums, I have no moderation history.
      I try my hardest to avoid breaking any rules and I have no plans of getting banned in the future.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator

      Yes. I was a moderator for two small servers that were owned by friends of mine. Both servers had an average of about 15 concurrent players and were forced to close shortly after their launch due to lack of funding to run the servers and such.
      I also moderated here on Mineverse for about two months back in January. As explained in the introduction, I resigned due to lack of interest in Minecraft but I have regained such. I never lost interest in my job as moderating. In my time as a moderator on Mineverse, I logged over a hundred bans and completed several pages of reports.

      Do you meet the requirements for staff

      Yes, I have met the staff requirements for quite a while and continue to maintain that.

      50 Post Count:
      Two-Factor Authentication:
      2 Weeks of Forum Registration:
      Offline Communication:
      Thank you for taking your time to read my re-application. If you decide to rate me, I would appreciate it if you would rate me accordingly. If there is anything that you think I should add or something I should change to improve my application, please let me know as I would like my application to be the best that it could be.

      If you decide to comment on my activity, please note that I am still regaining it. I understand if you mention it, but keep this in mind.

      Have a good day. Bye!
      Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
    2. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Didn't you quit for a while and just return a little while ago? I also recalling you saying to a profile post that you wouldn't be playing on Mineverse anymore.

      You don't do many reports and the ones you do are mainly chat offenses from what I have seen.
      You made a profile post about a report that was denied instead of starting a conversation with the mod, questions if I think that is mature or not.
      You just came back and aren't extremely active on the forums really.

      No support for now.
    3. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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    4. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      No support for now.
      You aren't that active on forums right now but if I see more activity out of you, I'll re-consider.
      Also, please work on hacker reports. c;
      Best of luck to you!
    5. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      I probably should have rephrased my post to say I was taking a break or something along those lines. Yes, I did quit for a little while and popped in every once in a while and I'm making a return.

      I do reports when I see something worthy of reporting. I'm mainly active on Towny and most offences there are chat offences, so that is what I report.
      My profile post about the denied report was pretty much just me mentioning the fact that edited evidence is no longer accepted. I can understand you questioning the maturity about the situation. The moderator that closed my report and I actually discussed it shortly afterwards.
      I'm going to start being active on the forums, just like I used to be before I took my leave.

      Thank you for rating my application. You've shed some light on the fact that I probably shouldn't reapply directly after returning, and therefore I would like to ask you to close my application for the time being.
    6. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      Thread locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
    7. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Opened on request.
    8. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Huge support on this. Active in game, does lots of reports and very friendly. Best of luck :).
    9. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      Support, i've seen a lot of improvement from you.
    10. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      Support, You we're a good moderator and I believe you can be a good one again.
    11. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks guys. I'm trying my best to improve. Still working on my forum activity as I mentioned, but I can be found all over the Dubtrack and the server.
    12. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Changing to Support. You are extremely friendly ingame and you do reports. Good luck. ( :
    13. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Understandable. There's not much to change, but I'm working on what there is. I know you'd like to see more activity out of me and I'm still getting back in the groove.

      Thank you. I've been hanging around the PvP servers trying to get rid of hackers, as you suggested I do.
    14. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      *Does lots of reports
      Good luck! :)
    15. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks Billy! Congrats again on your promotion!
    16. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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    17. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks for your support Charis, it's appreciated. :)
    18. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      I wouldn't have assumed someone had pressured you. You seem to have a mind of your own when it comes to most things and that's good. I do appreciate your feedback on my application and thank you for re-rating.
    19. NoHaxJustFade

      NoHaxJustFade Active Member

      Jul 5, 2016
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      Support :p
    20. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      fine, I'll support you. you're so demanding on my soul. I don't need really a reason to support just editing it because of certain comments.
      You have improved on hacker reports and in game activity. Good job.
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
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