Here's something I wrote a little while ago. Note: It's Creepypasta, based off the lifecycle of the Minecraft Witch. If you get scared easily, don't read it. Because I didn't write it specifically for this comp, I don't expect to be included in prizes, I just want to share. Spoiler: Swampchild Within the fetid marshland, the mewling infant lies. Its breathy gurgles entice the souls that pass through that hellish mudpit. Beneath the grime, festering pustules secrete viscous, dripping mucous. Its bulbous head pulses in sickening ways. Those that pass by are lured in, and thinking to cherish the cast-away child, take pity. That is their mistake. They do not notice the sharp teeth beyond the fatty jowls. As the child grabs a finger, (to play, thinks each one) and shoves that digit deep within that mouth, the screams come. Each chunky piece goes down as quick as the last, and soon the screams are silent. Mother is near, cooking her potions. She knows her child is hungry no more.
There was once a blind girl who everyone hated except her fiance. She would always tell him "I would marry you if I could see you, honey". One day, someone donated eyes to the girl. When she saw her fiance, she gasped because she saw that he too, was blind. He asked her to marry him, but she refused. The boy sadly smiled and replied "Take care of my eyes".