Ok, I know 95% of you are already commenting how bad of a suggestion this is but I believe it's too much time from something so stupid. Being racist or homophobic will only give you a 1 day ban but death wishes will give you 30. I'm pretty sure no one actually listens to the people and honestly does not affect them at all. I'm sure a person who is gay and is getting bullied for it will most likely suffer more than just being told to kill them selves. This is a game where people easily rage, most people who are told to kill themselves forget about it like a week later. Even decreasing it to 15 days also having the time for being racist and homophobic increase to 15 days since I hate people that are both. I would like to make it clear that I do not support people telling each other to kill themselves I am just saying it's the internet you kinda signed up for this s***.
Support this needs to be changed mostly now because the internet it full of everyone telling to kill each other
Support. I'm gay and homophobic remarks just remind me that there are tons of people like that person who said something homophobic, and the thing is, they actually MEAN it, and that's something that hurts. However, getting told to 'kill myself' by some random kid who's raging just because I managed to defeat him in a game of Skywars, for example, is really nothing to be taken so seriously.
Thank you Thanks Cheers Thank you and exactly. thank you <3 Cheers He will always be in our hearts thank you Thank you I agreee and thx <333 thank you! <3 @Swift I seen you no-supported this. You do not have to but would you please give a reason why you believe it should not be decreased.
I kinda just don't support that the punishment for telling someone to end their lives should be decreased. Even if they do forgot it a day later it could hurt many people who don't, it causes suicidal all the time. If you feel the need to say "if they can't handle it they shouldn't be on the internet" then you honestly have no feeling, a lot of what we have to do is based on the internet now a days.
I agree with what you are saying, but 99.99 % of the time the person does not actually mean it and is just raging. If it was like a famous social media where the people telling you to kill yourself knew who you were in real life, then yeah that would be a different story but it's minecraft where people you have never met play and if they do tell you to kill yourself they only have 2 reasons for it. 1. because you beat them at something or 2. they just don't like you. I highly believe that no one ever has actually killed themselves from being told to kill themselves from some randy.
Well that is just the thing. We don't know each other for the most part in real life to say that someone may or may not have commited suicide over being told a death wish on a video game. It may not seem like a huge deal but if you are dealing with lets say extreme anxiety it can/could be the one thing to push you over the line. Even if the player who said it didn't mean it, the player who receives doesn't know that.
I support HOWEVER I think that the ban for death threats should stay the same, but for homophobic and racist comments should be at least 2 weeks.
Support I don't think most people would take a death wish that seriously, but I know for sure some do. They still get a punishment for it, which is all good to me. I personally think if a person continue to make death wishes they should be punished for a longer amount of time tho