Well, I decided to bring this topic back cause why not. osu! is a free game where you click circles to the rhythm and not only that, but other gamemodes are available such as Taiko, osu! mania and catch the beat. https://osu.ppy.sh/ I would like to know if by any chance, even the slightest, does anyone here play osu?
Yes I do, I uninstalled it though, it kept on crashing after this update. You just tap, drag, and other screen actions/gestures to the beat or rhythm of the song. Quite fun, but I didn't really like the ranking part imo
I've been playing for a month or two. Level 35 Around 320,000th spot I can S/A a 3 star, but anything higher and I usually fail.
Ooh, nice. Is your username the same as your forums name? If so can I add you? lul i need friends me playing wwwwww