I heard that thrown around a ts, its a rough guess, my answer is basically your posts are moderated to a certain extent.
You're thinking of this http://www.mineverse.com/threads/25-posts-to-rate-or-like-for-new-members.72941/ I believe it is until you become Member that your posts are not moderated anymore.
The main reason we use the moderator approval for new members, is to stop spam bots. Before we had this threads with advertisers flooded throughout the forums. This is also to look over if the user is using an alt. To have full access to your forums account is by gaining 25 likes as Swift stated. If you want the thread link again: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/25-posts-to-rate-or-like-for-new-members.72941/ I hope this answered your question! Locking, if you have any further questions feel free to make a new thread or ask another staff member!