Hello! I have came up with a more Eula friendly way for new commands people want. It's like at spawn you can go down to the shop and buy commands such as /fix, /enchant, /sethome and others that are appropriate. This way people get the commands but instead of pay to win, it's work to win. NOTE prices would be very high. -Delta
Neutral, I see what you are thinking like you can buy useful commands for in game money but the commands you want to sell like /heal and /feed aren't against the EULA since it comes with a all feature allowing you to heal all players or feed all players. We need to keep everything that isn't against EULA with our donor perks to keep them balanced since we have to remove perks like the kits. Maybe like /fix, /enchant, /setwarp or something like that.
I agree with the last few commands and understand your point with /heal and /feed i edited the main post.
Neutral, I think there shouldn't be any kits or special commands because I want all players to have an equal advantage
But the point of this is so that even the non-donators can have the command if they work hard enough.
/heal and /feed are global anyway, so there's no way out of you just being heal. Though I do agree, /repair, /enchant, and /sethome (or /setwarp) should be global and not just for donors since it does give the player an advantage over others in-game. Yes, it ain't a kit, but still, commands in this game mode are as important as kits in Kitpvp. Being one command more than another player can get you a huge lead to more money, items, xp, etc. in towny as kits would in kitpvp.
possible. I only put those commands as an example, Cyp would choose the real ones. Thanks for the support!
support. i think this would be good as some non-ranks play, but don't have access to commands, /fix would be extremely helpful to everyome