Fisherman is good if you can withstand fishing for long amounts of time, if you can, and use a enchanted lure 3 rod, you can make a fair amount.
I suppose it's about what you don't mind doing for ages, I'm guessing everyone who you asked just doesn't like fishing and prefers other, possibly more efficient, methods of gaining money :D
Fishing is more of a relaxing skill, you'll make slow money compared to excavating and woodcutting but it's not as much effort.
Woodcutter is really good, me and my friends are making huge auto tree farm, but for fisherman you get $20 per fish, so if you make an AFK fish farm...
Y Fishing is also good since you also gain xp.. But you can't 100% be sure to catch a fish. So I prefer using wood cutter and miner which is a job that has 200% chance of accuracy earning money.