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  • Towny - OUT OF BETA!

    Discussion in 'News & Announcements Archive' started by CypriotMerks, Sep 13, 2016.

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    1. CypriotMerks

      CypriotMerks Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Hey guys,

      We are finally happy to announce the release of our Towny server today.
      You can connect to Towny server using /towny

      Towny is similar to Factions. It's based on claiming land and expanding your territory!
      However, the focus is not to take over other settler's land. Instead, you will settle on your own and expand by being the most prosperous town!
      You do this by adding other players as your town members. The more members you have, the further you can expand your boundaries.

      However, running a Town isn't free! You must pay daily taxes, in order to keep your Town. These taxes are collected once every 24 hours (real time).
      You also have to pay a initial fee of $1000.
      The daily tax is also $1000.
      To pay these taxes, you get a job! It's ideal that different members of towns have different jobs, but it's ultimately up to you. The jobs work in such a way that you earn more, the more experienced you are.

      Besides paying taxes, you may also choose to rank-up your personal rank!
      There are 9 ranks, including the starting rank. The higher rank you are, the more health you gain.

      Eventually, you are able to create your own Nation.
      This will allow you to ally with other Towns! Who knows, maybe one day you'll need to know who your allies and enemies are.
      The price for new Nations is $10000.
      The daily upkeep for a Nation is $1000.

      Any and all forms of exploits are expected to be reported in instantly. Please note we MIGHT reset the server if the current exploits reported in are major. We want to make sure we patch all exploits and make the game more enjoyable for everyone. If the release goes smoothly and zero major exploits we won't have to reset the server and Towny will no longer be beta.

      Thank you for your understanding and we really hope you enjoy Towny. If you have any questions, donor perks ideas or concerns, feel free to let us know down below.

      Welcome to the Towny guide!

      This guide will aim to inform you as much as possible on Towny, the commands and how you should start playing!
      That said, there is always room for improvement and you can naturally try to find your own playstyle and find a method that works the best for you!
      This guide will be divided into sections, to help you find what you need without forcing you to pummel through too much overwhelming information!

      "What is Towny?"

      Towny is similar to Factions. It's based on claiming land and expanding your territory!
      However, the focus is not to take over other settler's land. Instead, you will settle on your own and expand by being the most prosperous town!
      You do this by adding other players as your town members. The more members you have, the further you can expand your boundaries.
      However, running a Town isn't free! You must pay daily taxes, in order to keep your Town. These taxes are collected once every 24 hours (real time).
      You also have to pay a initial fee of $1000.
      The daily tax is also $1000.
      To pay these taxes, you get a job! It's ideal that different members of towns have different jobs, but it's ultimately up to you. The jobs work in such a way that you earn more, the more experienced you are.

      Besides paying taxes, you may also choose to rank-up your personal rank!
      There are 9 ranks, including the starting rank. The higher rank you are, the more health you gain.

      Eventually, you are able to create your own Nation.
      This will allow you to ally with other Towns! Who knows, maybe one day you'll need to know who your allies and enemies are.
      The price for new Nations is $10000.
      The daily upkeep for a Nation is $1000.

      "I have joined the server, what do I do now?"

      When you first join Towny, you have the choice of choosing your Job.
      This is necessary, as it will be one of your main ways of earning money.
      You can have 2 jobs at the same time.
      If you are working on your own, it is highly recommended that you choose one or two of the following Jobs;
      - Woodcutter
      - Miner
      - Digger
      - Hunter

      These jobs are the easiest to earn money with, to start off with.

      To get out in the world, you can use the command /rtp.
      This will teleport you randomly in the world, hopefully allowing you to settle your Town in peace.

      To find the explanations of the commands, please refer to the sections below.

      Here you will find the basic Towny commands.

      /town - Gives you information of the Town you are currently a part of.
      /town [town] - Gives you information of Town, which name you put in (example: /town Mineverse)
      /town list - Shows you a list of all existing towns and their resident count.
      /town online - Shows you if there are any residents of your town that are online.
      /town leave - Allows you to leave the Town you are currently in. Note: Not possible if you are the Mayor.
      /town reslist - Shows you who the residents are in your Town.
      /town ranklist - Shows you a list of your members and their ranks in the Town.
      /town spawn - Teleports you to the Town's spawn.
      /town new [town] - Allows you to create your own Town. (example: /town new NewYork)
      /town deposit [$] - The command you use to deposit money into the Town bank. This is important, to make sure your town can pay the taxes! (example: /town deposit 500)

      A Mayor is a player who owns a Town.
      You become the Mayor by either creating a Town, or if you are appointed the new Mayor by the old one. Only the Mayor have access to these following commands.
      It's also possible to divide your town into plots (based on chunks) and allow residents to rent these plots.
      These are the Mayor commands:

      /town withdraw [$] - Allows you to withdraw money from the Town's bank.
      /town claim - Allows you to claim a chunk of the Wilderness. Costs $250.
      /town unclaim - Allows you to unclaim a piece of the Wilderness. No refund given.
      /town add/kick [name] - Allows you to invite/kick a player to/from your Town.
      /town set ? - Gives you a list of sub commands, used to edit your Town's settings.
      /town set board [message] - Allows you to set your message of your Town.
      /town set mayor [mayor] - Allows you to resign your position as the Mayor. (example: CypriotMerkz: /town set Mayor Noobcrew)
      /town set homeblock - Sets the homeblock (chunk) and spawn of your Town.
      /town set spawn - Sets your Town's spawn. Must be in a homeblock.
      /town set perm - Gives you a list of sub commands, not completely necessary.
      /town set taxes [$] - Set your Town's taxes. Can be a flat amount or a percentage. You decide the mode using /town toggle. It's recommended to not have too high taxes.
      /town set plottax/shoptax/embassytax [$] - Allows you to set taxes on the different plots.
      (example: /town set plottax 100, /town set shoptax 100, /town set embassytax 0)
      /town set name [name] - Allows you to change your Town's name. (example: /town set name Mineverse2)
      /town set tag [tag] - Your Town's tag. Only goes up to 4 letters.
      /town buy [bonus] [amount] - Allows you to buy additional chunk claims for your Town's expansion. You may only buy an extra 10 chunks.
      /town toggle [mode] - Allows you to toggle some of your Town's settings. These settings only have two modes. Meaning it's either on or off, enabled or disable, one way or the other.
      /town rank add/remove [resident] [rank] - Allows you to edit a resident's rank in your Town.
      You can promote someone to an Assistant.
      Assistants can use /town claim, /town add, /town plot (all subcommands), /town toggle public and are exempt from taxes.
      So that your residents may be able to build in your Town, you can create Plots.
      These plots are chunk sized (16x16). It's recommended that you have some kind of structure, before giving others plots.
      All Plot commands:
      /plot - Gives you the Plot subcommands.
      /plot claim - Allows you to claim a plot that is for sale.
      /plot forsale [$] - Put up a chunk for sale. (example: /plot forsale 250)
      /plot notforsale - Takes down a chunk from sale.
      It's highly recommended that you do not use the other variations of the forsale and notforsale commands, simply due to their nature.
      /plot clear - Allows you to clear a plot. Warning: Will wipe your plot
      /plot set
      - Gives you the sub commands.
      /plot set reset - Sets your plot back to a default plot, from resident/embassy/shop/etc.
      /plot set shop/embassy/arena/wilds/spleef - Changes the type of the plot.
      /plot set perm ? - Gives you subcommands, if you are renting a plot.

      You join a Job to earn money!
      The more experience you have in a Job, the more you earn.
      However, if you leave a job, all your progress is lost. You will not lose the money you earned.
      You do not have to sell the items. For example, if you get paid $2.00 for cutting wood, you get paid $2.00 for every log you break/cut down.
      Jobs work together with the MCMMO perks.

      These are the commands you can use:
      /jobs browse - See what jobs are available, along with other information.
      /jobs join [job] - Join the job you specified. (example: /jobs join Woodcutter)
      /jobs leave [job] - Quit the job you specified. Leaving a job results in your experience and progress in that job being reset. (example: /jobs leave Woodcutter)
      /jobs info [job] - Shows what you get paid for and how much you get paid. The XP is the experience you gain in the job itself.
      /jobs stats [name] - You can check your own progress or another player's. (example: /jobs stats CypriotMerkz)

      Note: When you're building your Town and expand, or create structures, make sure you know what Job you are in! Use /jobs stats [yourname] to know which Jobs you are part of.
      Then use /jobs info [job] to see what you get paid for doing, and what you lose money from doing.
      View attachment 30

      As you can see, I can see what Jobs I have.
      After using /jobs info Woodcutter I got to see what I get paid from.
      I get paid from cutting down trees (any logs) and I lose money from placing logs down.
      I get paid from placing a sapling, but lose money from breaking one.
      You will want to play around Jobs to minimize any losses.

      If you wish to do further research on the Towny commands, feel free to use this wiki: https://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/Commands
      It's extensive and should help you with most, if not all, your questions about the commands.

      Please note:
      Any and all forms of exploits are expected to be reported in instantly.
      I have done my best to get rid of the ones I found.
      If you are unsure whether or not you have stumbled across an exploit, be sure to report it in regardless.
      If you are caught actively using an exploit with the intention of gaining an unfair advantage, you will have your items taken away from you, your balance reset and your rank (not Donor rank) reset. If you are unwilling to tell what exploit you were using, you will have your account banned.

      This aside, I wish you all to have a fun time learning, playing and thriving on Towny.
      Good luck! :)
      • Like Like x 15
    2. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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    3. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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    4. AngeloLagusa

      AngeloLagusa Active Member

      Jul 15, 2016
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    5. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      LIT LIT

    6. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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    7. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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    8. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      Yes! Thank you!
    9. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      He never asked for your thanks KNOW UR PLACE RANDOM!
    10. yoitsgabbie

      yoitsgabbie Well-Known Member

      Mar 2, 2015
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    11. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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    12. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      Are you kidding me my mac charger literately broke like 2 days ago.

      And thank you! Can't wait to see it
    13. Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash Well-Known Member

      Apr 20, 2014
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    14. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Will this beta world save it's progress for when the server is officially finished + released?
    15. LIAM

      LIAM Active Member

      Jul 8, 2016
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    16. Andre

      Andre Active Member

      Jun 8, 2016
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      Yayyyyy!! :D
    17. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      FINALLY. No kits I'm guessing?
    18. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Thank you Cyp. (-:
    19. Veronica

      Veronica Boss Member

      May 28, 2016
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      ;) thanks dude
    20. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Yes! I've looked forward to this so long!
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