Hallo from this weekend, I have been a member for a year on the forums. I have met so much great people, and seen so much that I just want to say in this thread. I have made friends, some who have left, some who are still here, and some new noobs ;p I would love to say thank you for these people. They have supported me, been friends to me and are just so important to this community. @Scorvix @Auzzi (AUSTRALIA BAE) @Alma @Reborn @Linux @Alex @WhyteDuck @Elliot @Bakes32 (Bake me a cake rn) @TorchwoodRC @StonerSloth @ParanormalPizza (I need some Pizza) @Syndicade @Janice999 @TheNiceSnake (Late grats ;p ) @BlackZone @Exstatisfy @Discdog1000 @m00_ima_fish (Talk to me more you fish..) @Fruit1k @MaxNinja10 @TADS @DeathAuras (It's been a while) @Smiley @ImJustAndrew (Wow... I thought you left) @canucksfan44 Thanks to you all! @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks Obviously, thank you for make this server, for which out, we wouldn't ever have met new friends or play on this amazing server with all the awesome game-modes. @Pile You're still here... well... Thank you. Staff Team Well, thanks for making Mineverse... Mineverse! Thank you all a lot!! -Delta
I'm nearing my TWO years on the forums, probably won't make a thread though ;p Gz on 1 year Delta, you've made the forums a good one