Hello Mineverse, I was thinking about a new addition for Mineverse to add to their cosmetics list since these are allowed for donor perks are Particles. You may not know what particles are? Well they could work many ways.. when you move they make a trail of per say.. flames behind your feet or you could make a cape of particles to follow you. Example plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/particlehats.1007/ Something like this could be a cool cosmetic to add.. this would be something like pets & gadgets. If you need a system for how this could work is like Premium gets 2 particle types. Sponsor gets 3 particle types. VIP gets 4 particle types. MVP gets 5 particle types. Elite gets 6 particle types. Supreme gets 7 particle types. God gets 8 particle types. Titan gets 9 particle types. There are many different particle types for example: slime, flame, lava, water, snowball, enchanting letters and much more .
Like the purple ender particles that come off a nether portal, the particles that come off torches, etc. As for the suggestion; neutral - it would be neat, but our lobby doesn't really seem to have much function other than going to different gamemodes or using the parkour. On some servers it's more of a social area where people can chat and do stuff. Which are the servers I see the particles on the most. As well as this, I'm sure it would cause a lot of lag.
I was thinking it was a global thing like pets, you can set it on the lobby and it will follow you onto the other gamemodes, this of course won't affect you pvping. And I doubt this will cause lag as other servers have it with lower MB and they are just fine.