Thank you! Thanks for you opinion. What is your timezone and what gamemodes do you usually play though? Thanks a lot guys! Thanks for the opinions, is it possible to get some reasons so I can improve on it?
Ayeee smiley good to see you wanting the job again! It was great having you as mod and I would love for you to be staff on mineverse again! Goodluck! Support!!!!!
Neutral What happens if you become a mod, but then this Plan does not work? Your plan, isn't really that great.... ALSO, School started/ school is about to go into some harder subjects.
Times zones is not always an issue, we are able to see your activity and your amount of reports, until you made your app they were low.
Multiple plans. Thank you. I know that I didn't make that many reports yet but my activity in-game and on the forums is still the same. Thanks a lot!!