Hello everyone! ^~^ Yesterday marked the day of which I've officially been apart of this community for a year exactly. I won't go too in-depth, but Mineverse has ultimately helped me so much in the long run. While it's been one rough year for me dealing with a lot of personal issues, loss, mild depression, drama, etc - I was fortunate enough to meet some incredible people I couldn't have met without joining this community. I act like I don't care sometimes, and voice my opinions that are often seen as negative. But the truth is that Mineverse does mean a lot to me, and I do care a lot. I've had my fair share of negative experiences on here (plus made a lot of mistakes for that matter), but it is from these situations I've learnt a lot, and overall have improved myself from. With that said; I'd like to thank everyone who's been kind and understanding to me along the way. It really means a lot, and I can't express enough how fortunate I was to stumble across MV last year. :D There are numerous amounts of people I'd like to specifically thank, which are the following: @Janice999 @Scorvix @Coastic @Auzzi (you're a n00b) @Firo (talk to me more skrub lord) @PokecraftPhreak @Pile @Reborn @bruhquinn @Pokings @Purplevillager1 @yrvintage @Bailxy @Calli @Linkin Park @Maxamul @DinoDuck @Titanicguy @Upsets @Bananurz @MR_B3N_123 @Chorine @Mio @Euphrosyne @IncaMiyuki - You'll always be family to me. You're so great, and you've been there for me for around two years. Like Alex, you've also helped change everything for me. @Alex - You don't know how lucky I am to have met you. You're the most beautiful person in this entire world, and the most amazing girlfriend. You've literally changed everything for me, and i love you. C: - Thank you guys for reading! ^_^
You're a great friend, and I try my best to repay everything you have done for me. Congrats on your one year anniversary. May your next year be filled with even more happiness.
I'm sorry I unfollowed you a few time. I was going through a phase. Anyways, thanks for the kind words. PM me if you want to. C:
Congratulate me on 2 years of belittling moments, wrong understandings and an encouraging plentiful of very fun times that have been established from being apart of this community. Here's to another hopeful year of engaging in another probable year of great times and beloved moments! :D I'm fairly certain the two of us will end up remaining apart of this community, unless of course it dies out or whatever, which I also highly doubt it will. I kind of have good hopes for this place.