I think she deserves mod if she get's this position. Honestly, you should just make it a mod app cause you're gonna get the position I know it <3
Thank you! I did have a Mod app once, but sadly it's been inactive for about 2 months. One day I might make another, but for now I'd like to start off as a Guard. Thanks for your encouragement all the way <3
100% Support, well input of detail and texture. The application isn't plain, it actually brings you to what you really want to look at. #Mining4Guard
<3 Thank you all so, so much! I didn't know that people actually thought of the that way! Good luck to all of you if you have a Moderator/Guard application- don't give up!
Thank you- I'm sure you're amazing too <3 Aww thank you! <3 Flare, that means a lot to me- good luck on your application too!
Don't thank me! You deserve the position, I hope you get it. I'm looking forward to it. People are still obsessed with it? It's been there for like 2 months.