I support you Your application is good and it says what it should. I've seen you around the forums especially in suggestions and other mod applications, and you seem nice and mature. You also do a lot of reports, and I recommend continuing doing this whether you get accepted this wave coming up at the end of this week or not. Good luck tho! ;)
That is why I said in general... And when you applied 4 months in your were probably 200+ messages. I would say extra stuff but it is not needed ;)
Neutral. - You do reports (that's good) - "I'm very active on forums, maybe it's just your timezone" Well, I'm in the same timezone as you. GMT + 8. And I never see you online on the forums, sorry to say that. - Never heard of you Good luck. Always good to see a applicant with a similar timezone who is seriously trying ;) @DeathAuras .o.
I would love to try and come on other times but I have like a timetable for playing?.. For instance 5 - 8.30 , 11 -2 Ty! :3 Thanks guys! :D