No support, the rules are there for a reason. If you break them on the lobby you deserve the ban, it'll keep you from doing it on other gamemodes too.
This is true, there is a reason why there are only a few actions that you have to do to get lobby banned and this is because the action was non-called for and a heavy punishment needs to be taken. No Support.
No support, just don't do anything bad in the community and you won't get lobby banned. It's a punishment, its not something that just tortures you. Obviously you got it for a reason.
Scorvix idk but I think you are / ignoring me on infection lol. Could you check if I'm in your ignore list and if I am can you unignore me? Sorry for asking lol.
No support, reasons above. Randomninja said why you would get lobby banned which makes complete sense. You are responsible for your actions and if you do something wrong you must face the punishment. Good Idea though
I get where your coming from, but rules are rules, and if you can't follow them you get banned. (or muted) No support
Neutral, I get where you're coming from but you shouldn't get away with something you do on a minigame
No support lmao... Just don't hack on stuff or tell people to kill themselves and you have nothing to worry about..