I think it's unfair that if you do something in the lobby that is against the rules you should be banned like for death threats I feel like you should just get a mute so you can still play other game modes it's like hacking in kitpvp and getting banned from he whole server but if your not saying something in the chat and hacking I'm not really sure
Well I said something in the lobby that got me banned and I didn't even know I got banned cause it doesn't say anything
You only get lobby banned for: Hacking on a mini-game Death Wishes in the lobby/on a mini-game Hacking on skywars (since skywars.com and mineverse.com are linked together) Advertising another server A few rare cases Getting lobby banned is not as common as it seems. Since we do not have a minigames lobby they have to be lobby banned, as they should not be allowed to hack and get away with it. I see where you come from but I do no think we should not lobby ban.
If you don't the break rules, you have nothing to worry about. If you want the punishments to change because you carelessly broke one rule, I suggest you make your own server.
no support, you shouldn't even be hacking in the first place neither should you be breaking any rules. The rules are easy to follow and if you can't follow them you deal with the punishments, so you learn from what you did.
If you don't want to get banned in the lobby, try not to break rules in the lobby. A mute for a lobby offense is useless because no one really hangs out or talks there.
I somewhat support this suggestion. Here's why; I disagree with being lobby banned and denied access to complete, 'maxi' games for an offense that took place on a mini game. It's the same with skywars. With that said if they're linked I'd say it would be an issue to unlink them. Death wishes are a completely pathetic reason to completely ban someone from the entire server. I'm not saying it's okay to throw around death wishes and stuff, but a perm mute could fix it quite easily. Escalation to a complete ban is a bit over the top in my opinion, especially with the state that MV is in at the moment in terms of players. Advertising is pausable for a lobby ban. Anywho that's my opinion. Pce.
Well I don't make the rules. I feel like they are fine the way they are though. There are also reasons that skywars and the lobby are linked, they weren't always linked for bans (Even when they put the two domains together). As for the death wishes thing, that is what the thought was the necessary punishment for saying that. If you don't break the rules then you shouldn't have to worry about the consequences.
I don't agree with there being no lobby bans. Hacking should be a lobby ban. I do see your point though. Making a death wish in the lobby would get you lobby banned, while doing it on creative would only get you banned on creative No support for there being no lobby bans whatsoever tho
So don't ban people if they hack on minigames because it doesn't give them a chance to go on gamemodes on which they might just hack as well? We have no choice Gizz. We should have a minigame lobby though. -=- No Support, just follow the rules. Done.