Long title, short suggestion. Oxymoron or paradox? Oh god ive already confused myself and everyone else So I think for the October monthly competition, we should have an infection map build-off. It would be Haloween themed, and there would be a panel of judges (preferably 5) which would give a score between 0-20 per map. The top 5 maps would receive a reward. All maps are required to have a score, and at the end of the month all the maps would appear on a scoreboard. Each competitor would create their map in a creative plot. To submit their map, they would list their name, name of map, and plot number. The rewards would be as such: 1st: Map inserted into the game and a rankup from the map creator(s) current rank by one rank 2nd: Map inserted into game 3rd: Upgrade by one for infection rank for map creator(s) 4th: 100 levels of XP for all map creator(s) 5th: 50 levels of XP for all map creator(s) The judges also should be a panel of a mix of players and staff (it makes for more of a diverse judge panel, ya know?) that are not competing in the competition. Judges could either be chosen by lottery or by head staff, or community poll. Each map must be Haloween or Fall themed to compete. Is competition is a great idea in my opinion, as infection players always ask for new maps all the time. This would take care of that, while at the same time getting players excited and inspired to compete for their server. Yeah. Y E E T
Meh neutral. It's Cyp who decides if the maps go in the game. The levels would be too op, and God to Titan upgrades? People won't do that.
No Support Not a bad idea, but not a fan of the judges. plus the rewards are kind of OP. Not many people will compete, maybe a few more than those who already sent a map submission. Plus Cyp is the only that really decides what does and doesn't go into Infection.
1- The competitions are backed by cypriot. If the judges pick maps to enter Cypriot would add them 2- how would they be op? If you put time into making a winning map one should be able to get prizes appropriate 3- this rank upgrade has been in competitions in the past, and for top voter
I don't know like the idea of a competition of building a map is great but yah its so op the infection levels. And for who said Cypriot is the person who decides why doesn't he be one of the judges and the head mods and some of the senior moderators. Great idea right.
Support. I'd love to see this! Many people make infection maps but the problem is that most of those maps never get added. This would give people an other reason to make them.
Support. I don't really like the idea of judges though since they can give good scores to their friends.
The thing with the God to Titan upgrade. If maps are accepted anyway, the creators are due a rank upgrade in the first place. So, they would've gotten one either way. (Bump)