Hi there, Thank you for clicking on this thread. As you can see the title says 'Helper Rank'. I will be explaining why I am suggesting this, Okay I would like to start off with how this position would work. This rank wouldn't have any perms such as /god or /fly like moderators do, Maybe only /kick to kick advertisers then get help from a moderator. They would only have their [Helper] tag, Helpers would have to answer questions from players in game, For example someone was asking what is the teamspeak IP, And the moderators couldn't message back in time, Since we get spam all the time with questions. This helper rank would lift a little stress off our shoulders if this rank existed. This helper rank is a position for those who are interested in helping the community. If there was a 'Helper Rank' It would be much easier for us moderators to work because as some of you moderators out there know that we get spam with questions and we can't answer all of them at once. So yeah, This is my little suggestions, I hope you guys get the idea. Let me know what you think about this. Thank you, Again. - Jenn
I used to be a helper on a server that is a similar size to this one. I had /fly, /kick and /mute. I could also teleport to other players without needing them to accept teleports. This combination seemed to work well for watching over other players and it made it much easier to catch hackers. On the same server, mods had more privileges than they do here (/v, /gamemode) because they had to get through 2 staff ranks to make it to mod. I think the addition of helper would allow the owners and admins to better test their staff before they are given more power as mod. It would also allow the mods to better help out the server because they could potentially be trusted with more commands. They also would have time to do more important tasks for the server because the helpers could take off some of the load. Support! :D
Why do you think it's not needed, If you had a question you'd rather wait 5 minutes for a reply instead of a quick one? Thank you for your opinion anyway:p Thank you!!
I remember when I was moderating and people were coming to me asking a million questions. This would really help tbh, full support.
Support. There are some good applicants out there. Some. However, there haven't been a lot of Moderator resignations or demotions, so I doubt that Cyp will promote anyone soon anyway.
You have my support, I'd like to see a rank like this added. It would benefit the players as well as staff members of a higher rank.
I like that with this rank being added, it would give staff members the chance to move up within the ranks and really test if they want to be a moderator. But I also think that with too many staff ranks it could get out of control... hard to handle. Neutral.
Neutral. If players in general could help out then that'd be much easier, instead of creating a "Helper" rank which would complicate things.
With this suggestion, would players have to apply for helper before they can become a mod? if so, Neutral.